The days that followed were unbearable for Jilha, he looked haggard and unkempt. Jerry his friend was very worried and advised him.
“Why are you doing this to yourself Jil? Brooding won’t solve this issue, you should run after her, persuade her.” Jilha sighed heavily.
“Will she listen? What I said to her was horrible.” Jerry moved to sit beside him.
“I bet she is as miserable as you are now, go after her idiot.”
The day after, Jilha went to Doctor Manuel’s house, he met Sophia who ushered him in.
“She is inside the compound” She told him. He nodded and entered into the compound where he met Emerald.
“Hey princess, good afternoon.” Emerald turned to gazing at the sky.
“You should leave Jilha, there is nothing more to be said.” He sighed.
“Wrong Emerald, there is still a lot to be said. First of all, I am sorry please forgive me, I should not have gotten angry to that extent the other day. I love you Emerald, you are everything to me, I don’t care what you have passed through, what I care about is what you have achieved. The guy that left you is a big idiot, but it is a blessing for me coz I found you. Your past does not bother me princess, it is who you are now that does.
Please give me a chance to prove my love to you. I care about you.” With tears streaming from her eyes she asked.
“You love me still, very much?” Jilha held her hands and said.
“Princess, I love you even more now knowing that you still came out strong after all the tragedies in your life, you are a great woman and that is the kind of woman I want in my life and love too.”
Emerald hugged him tight. “I love you too Jilha, I love you very much. Thank you.” Jofin entered in the midst of the reunion.
“God has just saved your life Doc or else you would have tasted my fist very soon.” Emerald hissed.
“Jofin stop that we are cool now. I will go freshen up.” She left them both outside while she entered the house.
As soon as Emerald left, Jofin moved near Jilha and punched him hard. “That is for making my sister cry.” He then embraced him.”Thank you for coming back to her, for not leaving her.” Jilha winced in pain and smiled.
“I should say thank you to you too, for taking care of her all these years, am in your debt.” Jofin nodded.
“Just love and cherish her that is all I ask for. After all the tragedies we had gone through especially her, she deserves 100% love.” Jilha smiled.
“And I will give it to her I promise.”
Jofin nodded and went inside the house. A few hours after their reunion, They both sat down. Jilha held and cuddled her with affection, everytime he looked at her, he did so with love filled eyes.
“Jilha, what will we do now? You are leaving in two weeks time.” Jilha nodded.
“Yes, I have sat down to think, I will still leave for Skornia but I will come back for you after you are through with Law school.” Emerald smiled.
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“It’s good but I will miss Jofin, I don’t want to leave him.”
Jilha pecked her. “Well, he can come to Skornia for his medical school, if he wishes to he can stay there permanently. You can both come to visit Doctor Manuel from time to time. Emerald smiled.
“It’s a good plan let’s do it that way.” After a few hours, Jilha left for the doctors quarters at Doctor Manuel’s clinic.
Two weeks later, Jilha and Jerry left for Skornia with the promise that he will be back. Emerald cried and wished he wouldn’t leave. After a few months, she finished Law school and she was called to bar. It was one of the happiest days in their lives. Doctor Manuel was so happy. But there was something troubling Emerald. She had not heard from Jilha for about a couple of months. She was really worried.
“It’s not my fault Jofi, I am really worried, the number he gave me is not going through.” Jofin exhaled.
“I hate to say this Emmy but I trust Jilha, he would come back for you. What I saw in his eyes were geninue love for you, no one can fake that.”
Emerald nodded. “You are right. I am just stressed up for nothing.” It had, been six months and Emerald had not heard from Jilha. Instead of worrying she chammeled her energy to working.
Almost all of the men in Emerald’s office wanted to date her but she refused anyone that came. This time, she promised herself to trust and wait for Jilha no matter what happens.