The Mystery Of Love Episode 22


Lucas Pov

It was Evening time, I knew i needed to stop Mom’s plans for me, they really won’t work out and i have known her for her stupid and stubbornness, I knew she will surely hurt Linda and her Mom if I refused to go on with her plan, she doesn’t care about my feelings, all she cared was her feelings and to make money, but it won’t be easy for me to get back at her, but i needed to do something now at least to stop her

I picked my phone to dial her number, she picked it up after the second ring.

“Hello ma” i said immediately after the phone got connected, I noticed the place and it’s atmosphere was as silent as a graveyard, I remembered the last time she was at such atmosphere later her sister died, ” I will accept my date with Tina”. I said to her before she replied.

“Good, you made a right choice at this very point”. Before the line got disconnected. I sighed, at least, this will give me more time to plan on my own, I went inside to check on Linda in her room, she must have slept off, I said to myself as i went to the room, she wasn’t sleeping like I thought but was crying.

Seriously i was surprised to see her in that state, I moved closer to her.

“I’m sorry Linda, I know all this is coming from the so called family friend, but believe me it will be fine, we just have to wait for some more time” I said, I noticed she nodded her head as she placed her head on my chest.

” I missed my Mom” she said, “I don’t know about her welfare, if she’s fine or not, what if she is not?”, she groaned again.

” It’s okay Linda”, this time i straightened her head, “believe me I will surely do all i can to support you and your Mom, trust me Mrs Williams can be a wicked fellow , all we need is to pray”, I said afterwards.

“It will be fine, can you trust me”, I asked. She nodded her head which meant yes. “I have a plan but please believe me it going to be fine and difficult for me, But i just have to do it, this is the only way i can protect my love for you” I said. I saw her nof her head again.

“What’s the plan” she asked. I know it’s going to look awkward to her, it won’t look real if she knew, I just have to do this for the sake of my love for her, I’ve got a little fame, but it can’t be compare to Mr Williams and his wife, neither did did i have that kind of money they have as well, the little i got was given to me by them, so how do i attack them with such murder allegation, perhaps i didn’t ’t have any evidence, but I was sure of what i saw that night, but they didn’t realize it, even till now that i was grown , they still took me for a fool after they killed my parents, now they are also planning to kill the only person I truly loved mother’s too, I was lost in thought when she tapped me what are you thinking about , she asked.

“Nothing Linda it will be fine” I replied before i left her room.

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Linda Pov
I had asked him the first time about his plan, but I noticed he was thinking of something, what’s he thinking about I just hope he’s not going to get himself into trouble all because of me, honestly ever since he told me he loves me, I have been noticing him, he was truly sincere about it, he had shown me i can feel comfortable with him, I have always felt relaxed whenever i am with him, though i did6’t have such plans i just have to think about it again.

Lucas is real, he was passing through the same, he lost his family to this same people I think i have feelings for him as well. I tapped him as i noticed he was still lost in his thoughts

“What are you thinking of “, I asked,

“nothing Linda” he replied me before he left the room. I knew he’s going through a lot, and he got a lot on his mind. He only told me that the plan was for the Maid but when i asked him now i think he’s got another plan, well he told me to trust him, but why does it still baffles me, i just hope things aren’t getting out of hands, i prayed.

Later that evening i went to his kitchen, i saw him there, he is cooking whiles I’m here?,

“Why are you cooking whiles I’m still here? I whispered, he got startled, I guess he didn’t notice my presence

“what are you cooking?” i asked.

“Baby I’m trying to make some bakes for dinner”, he replied ,

“okay, you can go back to your room because I’m going to do that for you” I said jokingly. I saw him smile before he replied,

“you’re my woman and I really don’t want to stress you for any reasons, perhaps you’re my love so just sit while i do the cooking”,

“I know it’s good to cook for me, but I want to always do this for you as well”

” I’m not tired of cooking for you and i will never get tired of doing this” he said.

“That’s romantic but no” I said jokingly as I went ahead to collect it from him, the closer i tried to move to him the farther he kept running away from me.

“Lucas” i screamed as we played hide seek in the house We didn’t realize that the cake Lucas was making was burning pand the house was now filled with smoke, “Lucas” i called his attention to the smoke, I fell down due to the heavy smoke, Lucas put his head on my chest, immediately he rushed to the kitchen to off the gas. thank goodness nothing happened except the smoke that filled everywhere.

I later went to meet him, I saw him trying to wash the pot.

“What happened” I asked him,

“the cake got burnt”

“All? i asked

” Yes he replied, I knew how he felt he truly wanted to impress me with the cake, but now he felt unhappy.

“Its okay Lucas, I love you more”, I said as i saw him look at my direction, we stared at each other for a minute before we locked our lips together.

Seriously it was like heaven, we kissed for a while before i stopped him. I saw him smile before i smiled back.

Hey guys the romantic section is coming, what do you think?