Me: looking stunned, calm down plss and tell me whats wrong with you i said.
Dera: she wanted to yell at him but then the worried looks on his face, showed he really do care, I guess that was what she wanted badly, but definitely not from luke another voice popped up. Plsss leave!!! She said stressing the leave.
Me: there’s no way thats gonna happen dera, am gonna sit right here next to you until you tell me whats going on, i said sitting close to her.
Dera: shocked# she tried smiling but its seemed impossible as anyone could see written boldly on her face was pain. Fine your gonna leave when you get weary.
Me: i get it, i wouldnt want to tell either, so i wasnt expecting this to be easy. I just stared at her hoping she was gonna change her mind soon.
We sat there for hours in silence, she didnt look like she was gonna say anything to me anytime soon.
Me: i know your hurt i said breaking the silence, am not here to tell you i understand what you are going through because i know i dont. When i gave you that apple i saw you as a friend dera, i really want to be that stranger you’ve always thought was coming, even if i cant save you from drowning dera, am gonna be right down in the middle of the ocean. And that stranger never came by dera i did. Even when you dont see me as a friend, i really wished you could cry over my shoulders, and i could say those words have been longing to say to you. “its gonna be fine” just when i was done with those words, i realized shes been staring at me for a while now, i kept my gaze away. Then i felt her head resting on my shoulder, i exhaled deeply.
Dera: his words were soothing, shes been in here alone for days her head unconciously rested on his shoulder as she sobbed.
Me: its ok dera let it all out, i said softly.
Dera: he was a wonderful person, although he’s never been around like he ought but i felt his love for me from afar. In my dreams i saw happy days with him, with no interference, times of fun like having a picnic in the beach, going to the fun park. Woke up one beautiful morning and he assured me he’s gonna be back to spend alot of time with me, my joy knew no bound, she narrated softly as she sobbed on intervals.
Me: i listened keenly without saying a word.
Dera: just when i felt my world was gonna be normal, and everything was gonna be fine, when i felt i happy ever after was gonna be more than a rhyme. They took…..him…away!!!! She yelled in pains.
Me: i really didnt understand what she was saying, with my right hand i carressed her hair softly in bid to console her, as she cried even harder.
Dera: sniffing back the thick liquid running from her nostrils, they killed my dad luke!!! They killed him!! She finally let out as she broke down in tears again.
Me: i quickly held her trying to keep her calm as she held my arm and rested her head of my left arm. Its ok dera i think you’ve cried enough already.
Dera: nodding her head in agreement, yeah your right am not gonna cry anymore she said as she wiped her tears with the back of her palm. Releasing herself from my grip, uhmmm am fine now she said please leave she added standing up.
Me: i nodded in agreement i guess its time to leave too, i stood up to leave as she take a few steps behind me, just close to the door. I turned back again just to make sure she was fine. If you need anything dera just let……the words were still in my mouth when i noticed she was not herself.
Me: are you ok dera, i asked immediately when its looks like her legs couldnt carry her anymore i rushed quickly catching her in the air before she hit the ground.
To be continued