Mr Perfect Season 2 Episode 74


​Sophia: smiling, speaking of buying a date. Why havent you bought dera yet??.
Me: uhmmm its kinda complicated you now.
Sophia: how complicated??
Me: she and damian kissed!
Sophia: whoa!! Like kiss she stressed, she really doesnt seem like the flirty kind to me.
Me: uhmm what do you mean.
Sophia: perhaps somehow you pushed her away without even knowing.
Me: well the thing is some weird guy told lies about me in front her, and ehmm that’s where it all began. But well am way over that now.
Sophia: hahah well there’s still more time, the last time i checked you guys are still couples she said smiling.
Me: trust me when this is all over, she’d be the only one with a broken heart i said with a smirk.
Sophia: huuuh what is the look i see on your face, dont tell me you mean those words.
Me: uh-huh
Sophia: hahahah thats funny, can you do that??
Me: of course i can
Sophia: well you know we’ve been friends since kindergaten, i know very well luke you wouldnt hurt anyone.
Me: well people change i said smiling.
Sophia: hahaha fine lets make a bet luke, if you fail to get heart broken, then your gonna do my laundry for a week
Me: huuuuuh wait a minute, does that include your undies i asked a bit irritated.
Sophia: sure luke!!
Me: there’s no way am gonna bet that, that’s ridiculous.
Sophia: hahaha and that only proves one thing, you cant do it luke.
Me: fine!!! And if i do, your gonna do my laundries and clean my car too for a week. I said smiling.
Sophia: deal!! she said smiling.
Me: i know exactly what you are thinking girl, no car wash is allowed i said smiling.
Sophia: what no way!!!
Me: are you scared your gonna lose.
Sophia: fine!! You are on! Aint you tired of reading already.
Me: nope, but i guess i have to stop now i said smiling.
Sophia: am hungry luke lets go have something to eat.
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Me: sure that would be great.
Sophia: the bill is on you!
Me: have got no credit card sophia.
Sophia: ahahha you obviously still not good at lying.
Me: well still serving my punishment, i have to go a week without my credit card.
Sophia: a week!!! Well i think someone just got lucky, because your big sis gonna be looking out for you she said smiling, touching my hair.
Me: huuuuh big sis?? You aint older than me sophia!
Sophia: are you??
Me: ofcourse yes i said smiling and taller.
Sophia: hahah well science has it that in a mixed s-x twin babies, the lady is always older
Me: seriously are we gonna debate about that, cos even when it turns out to be that you are older than me, is gonna be a few minutes i said smiling a bit.
Sophia: well that few minute’s makes me number 1 and you number 2.
Me: hahaha are we leaving or not?? I said already tired of the arguement.
We walked to the cafeteria ate as we chatted about a whole lot of things. After a while we were done with our food. But she didnt seem to be tired of talking, we walked to my dorm as she asked questions about almost everything. I took my time to give her a very detailed answers, well sophia has always been smart every question seemed to lead to another question and before we knew it, we both fell asleep.
The day went pretty fast and soon it was dark, dera drove out of the school to her dad’s house. Got dressed in her black outfit, holding a face mask, as she stood in front of the dressing mirror.
Dera: its time to find out where mr cornel is hiding his big dark secret. She said putting the mask on.
To be continued