Mr Perfect Episode 5


​luckily her hymen was no more before the act, but she sustained some injuries. He left her unconcious body and blood stains on the bed cover. Put a call through to his friend charles who rushed down to the mansion with a female gynecologist who attended to her discreetly. 
When she regain conciousness her hatred for him trippled and rage burned within in her. Soon she was strong again, she drove straight to her mum as her dad was gone on a business trip, explained everything to her.
Harley who knew from the onset she never wanted to marry millan. Scolded her imediately for trying to paint a bad picture of her husband.
It almost seem like the monster in him was triggered that very night, he still felt like she was the best he has ever had as he smiled to himself. She was tighter than he imagined. As time goes on he no longer ask, all he does was force her, which never ended well for her. All her anger, hate and resentment she held inside for years, bit by bit she was breaking down slowly, showing symptoms of schrezophenia and phycotic disoders.
Charles being good at his profession took note of her and see to it that she’s been placed on therapy. It did work a bit, her condition improved.
 Milan on the other hand never seem to have gotten enough of her. On a graceful evening he came in his usual mannerism but this time she lost it, she over powered him with hard bites which cut through his skin while he bled out he got up and took to heels telling everyone who cared to listen that she was insane. She picked a few things and varnished leaving no trace.
To start a new life and forget about all old memory, then she found out she was pregnant. Which she nortured on her own, with love, hoping he’d live life to make his own choices and decison and not for any families name. She gave him all the love and care but for how long will her conditions grew worst by the day.
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he was married to a spanish lady called vanessa nervarda with 3 kids, a girl which was the last and 2 sons. Damien, rico and pamela, ricky was about the same age as lucas.
On a wonderful weekend while the family had launch together, charles walked in with a little lad holding his right hand.
Charles smiles “its a full house” he said
Milan: hahaha come on have a seat charles.
Charles: have got things, am busy with this weekend, i brought him to you as promised.
Milan: looking at lucas he was a really cute kid, a wonderful combination of both mum and dad. He stared at him for a while, please make him comfortable over there.
He was placed on a seat and the servants quickly dished his food and placed it in front of him. While he just stared.
Vanessa: she wasnt quite suprised perhaps milan told her already. Come on eat your food lucas she said smiling. While their kids stared at him wondering what was going on. He just stared at his food motionlessly.
mirabel’s parents were contacted and they were at the hospital with her when she woke up.
Mirabel: turned left and saw a nurse changing the drips. Where is luke!!! She yelled.
Nurse: calm down luke is fine she said preparing her injections. Before she went violent again she quickly injected her.
Micheal: who is luke?? He asked looking puzzled.
Nurse: for now she’s unstable, she can say just about anything, you need not take it seriously.
To be continued