“You’re leaving us today Dolapo. How do you feel about that?? ” The doctor asked me with a wry smile, he was being sarcastic as always.
“How do i feel? I feel i should sue this hospital for keeping me here, way too long” was my reply, to which the doctor busted out laughing and continued writing his report.
The are finally letting me go today, all the days here felt like a prison. The doctor claimed they were monitoring to see if there were no internal bleedings and damages. I stepped out of bed and felt a slight migraine in my head, i winced in pain but i dare not say anything to the doctor, i don’t want him deciding to keep me here a little while. The door opened and to my surprise, Femi and his dad came in….. i mean Our dad.
Femi: Hello Brother! I hear they are finally releasing you today. We’re here to pick you up.
I looked around like i was finding a lost object.
Me: Where is my mom and Wale??
Mr. Olatunji: i spoke with your mom and she agreed with me that i can come over and pick you up , i hope that’s okay with you..
Me: emmmm… do i have any other choice?
Femi: huhhh… No brother! You don’t… (smiling )
Me: Yo… can you please ease up on the brother thing? I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you and I are related.
Femi: we have the same blood flowing in our veins
Me: (pretending to be surprised ) Wow…really? Thought it was Zobo o
Mr. Olatunji: Hahahaha… okay boys! It’s time to go. Femi please, help with Dolapo’s bag!
Femi: Emm… who’s the oldest between Dolapo and I?
Me: I am…. so you get to carry my bags. You hear junior brother?
Femi: (faces Dad) Are you sure you are really his father? Think about this thing well o.
Mr. Olatunji: (laughing ) Femi…. just carry the bag and lets go now!
Femi looked at me and we both laughed at eachother other. The necessary bills were paid by Femi’s dad and we made out walk towards the car. It was a silent walk, each of us lost in our individual thoughts. I took a glance at Femi and he was walking excitedly in front of me. He looks genuinely happy about being my brother but well…. I know Femi is a slimy fellow.
We went into a eatery and found a table.
Mr. Olatunji: what would you like to eat Dolapo?
Me: Just meat-pie and any drink maybe.
Mr. Olatunji: Okay. What about you Femi?
Femi: Emmm…. I want small stout. (Laughing )
Dolapo: so i have a drunkard for a brother.
Femi: I’m just messing with you both, i know they don’t sell that here jor.
Mr. Olatunji: Anyways… Dolapo, i just brought you here to explain why i haven’t been a part of your life for so long.
Dolapo: is there any explanation for that?
Mr. Olatunji: Yes son. I don’t know what your mother told you but the thing is, i knew about you a little late. I didn’t know she was pregnant
Dolapo: Did you not make love with her without protection?
Mr. Olatunji: Yes but it was once so i didn’t think she….
Dolapo: (cuts in) Once? Does it take three times to get pregnant?
Femi: (laughs) Dad… you’re getting some real heat here.
Mr. Olatunji: Pls Son, you have to understand i tried all i could, to be a part of your life.
Dolapo: (Sighs ) Okay… i understand and i forgive u.
Mr. Olatunji: Thank you son. (Shifted om his chair and cleared his throat )…. Now boys, It’s high time you both talked about the Bidemi issue. One of you might have to let her go for the other.
Then there was the silence, I didn’t know what to say. I noticed Femi was looking at the floor, trying to not make eye contact with anyone. How can i possibly let Bidemi go… i love her too much to do that.
Mr. Olatunji: well… personally, I’ll prefer both of you to stay off her but i know how teenage love is….
Femi: (cuts in) If you know anything about teenage love, then you would know It’s very hard for any of us to let her go
Me: I thought you decided to let her go already at a time.
Femi:… well i changed my mind.
Then the silence again….
Mr. Olatunji: Emmm … Okay! Are you boys done? We need to leave now.
Femi: Okay Dad!
Me: I’m done sir.
We left the the eatery and i started thinking about all that was said. I remembered how i felt the first time i saw Bidemi, i thought about our first date at the park. I thought about our first kiss, her beautiful face and solemn voice. I thought about everything over and over again, then i decided, i am never letting bidemi go for anyone, not even my half-brother!
He placed the pistol carefully in the inside pocket of his black jacket, took a deep breath and went over his plan again…. The boy has been discharged today, he’ll be spending the night home with his family in a two bedroom bungalow. He had gone earlier to survey the house, it had no gate, he scanned the door and decided the door will be too strong to break down. He had gone round the house and had found the weak spot, the toilet window. The toilet had a small window but he would be slender enough to go in through it. It had four Louvres, 3 are broken already, all he needs to do is tear the net with a scissors, remove the 4th louvre and he’s in the house, he already found out the room where the boy would be sleeping. His pistol has a silencer, so he can shoot the boy without waking his brother up but incase the brother wakes up, he had been ordered to shoot him too and should the mother hear a shout and come out, then she too will take a bullet in the head.
His brother, Michael entered the room
Micheal: Solo! Where you they go again? It’s 10:30pm
Solo: Not your business. Just make sure by the time I’m back be ready to open the whenever i knock.
Michael: Whatever! Just give me your phone, i wan send that Olamide video.
Solo: sha be fast…. you have two minutes
Michael collected the phone and on the Bluetooth connection, he found the.video he wanted and sent it. It was a large sized video so it might take a while. He decided to menu out and checked other videos, his hand mistakenly touched the home button of the very sensitive screen-touched phone and that’s when the SMS blinked. He saw madam and smiled to himself, looks like Solo has found a sugar mommy for casual sex and that’s where he’s going to. He opened the message and it reads….
I will send the balance of 50k into your account after the job is done and i confirm the boy is dead. No mistakes this time o. Dolapo martins must die … i won’t let him reap where he did not sow!
Solo noticed his brothet reading his SMS so he snatched the phone. By moving his hand up so quickly, his jacket shifted to the left and Michael saw the pistol. Solo tucked it in tighter and left jamming the door behind him. Micheal was fidgeting, he took out his phone and dialled Dolapo martin’s number but was not reachable, it says the number doesn’t exist. He called a friend that knows Dolapo too.
Michael: Abeg send me all the phone numbers of Dolapo wey you get.
Friend: For this night? I no get credit abeg.
Michael dropped the call and reached another friend.
Michael: Bro abeg send me Dolapo Martin’s number
Friend: Dolapo? I no have hin number
He dropped the call again, his heart was beating fast, he’s pacing round the house. Then remembered Ada so he called her.
Michael: Ada! Abeg send me Dolapo number
Ada: Heeeey!!! Michael! Longest time o you forgot about me all this time. Where have you been all these……da…
Michael: Ada!!! I don’t have to talk, just send all Dolapo’s number to me now now!
Ada: Ehn…. so you heard he was admitted too and you want to greet him. If you see the way he was stabbed ehn…he almost..
Michael…. Ada!! I will blow you! Send his number naaaah pleasssssss.
Ada: Okay i will send it now.. ehm ehn…. have you met his junior brother, Wale? Both og them are…..
Michael dropped the call and hoped Ada would send the number. Two minutes passed before the SMS came in. He quickly opened it and dialled the first number he saw. Fortunately, it started ringing and ringing and ringing… then the thought entered his mind, what if he warned Dolapo about his brother, Dolapo would call the cops and Solo would be arrested and charged to court….. He has to choose between saving a friend and sending his brother to jail and protecting his brother and watched his friend gets murdered….. No matter what, family is family. He needs to make a decision and he needs to make it fast … He has to choose between his brother and his friend……
Dolapo picked the call….
Dolapo: Hello!
Michael: (silence )
Dolapo: Hello!
Michael: (Silence )
Dolapo: Hello who is on the line??
Micheal shook his head and dropped the call…. He has chosen to protect his brother. Tear drops in his eyes, he can’t send his brother to jail ….he just can’t. Looks like the last time he heard Dolapo’s voice will be the last time he will ever hear his voice…. because he has chosen his brother!
Solo got to the spot, he cut the net with the scissor, he removed the louvre and now he was ready to go in. He checked his pistol for the last time and removed the safety, he placed the silencer well and put the pistol back in his jacket. He took a deep breathe and raised his leg…. And through the toilet window he entered the house, brought the pistol out and cocked it as he made his way into the boy’s room .
~To Be Continued ~