I stood still, frozen by my fear. I’ve always known Bidemi’s dad is a high ranking Custom officer so i know he is a man to be feared. Two men stood looking fiercely at me, i didn’t know which one was Bidemi’s father but they looked the same, tall and fearful. I had no preference of which should be her father, either of them looked absolutely dangerous. I wanted to run but my legs wouldn’t move, they are doing enough carrying my weight, even though they were shaking off the ground. I tried looking at Bidemi and to my surprise, there was an unusual smile on her face. she broke the silence.
Bidemi: Dad, meet my friend Dolapo
Bidemi’s dad: Your friend! And that’s the reason he should be hugging you outside my gate?
Bidemi: (laughing ) We were just greeting each other now
Bidemi’s dad: You people now greet each other with hugs?? In no time now you’ll be saying “Hellos” on the bed!
Bidemi smiled) C’mon Dad! I’m still your pumpkin but you know I’ll get married one day o
Bidemi’s Dad: Yes now! when you’re like 25….no 30 or 35 and I’d have to have killed the boy 5 times before he eventually marries you!
The three of them busted out laughing. I wanted to laugh too but God knows i dare not. The other man remained quiet all through but not for once has he taken his eyes off me, He’s probably looking for where to strike me.
Bidemi:…… so… Dolapo is my friend and he lives down the street over there
Mr.Adeleke: Hmmm…Dolapo! Dolapo what?
Me: Dolapo Martins Sir!
Mr.Adeleke: Good! How is your father?
Me: (surprised by the question ) Ehmmm…. My father is late sir!
Mr.Adeleke: Oh! Pardon me boy! So where do you school?
Me: University of Ibadan Sir!
Mr.Adeleke: And What’s your discipline?
Me: Civil Engineering!
Mr.Adeleke: What level??
Me: I just got in sir! 100 level first semester!
Mr.Adeleke: Good good.
Tell me….. Bidemi’s dad breaks in) Haha! why all this interview now. We are already late o. let’s go quick! Musa!! (he calls the driver) bring the jeep out!
Bidemi!: Ok Dad! Dolapo and I will go in now, we have something to discuss.
Bidemi’s dad: (facing me) If you take your clothes off in there , i will kill you. Don’t even try to remove your sandals! I nodded my head in agreement!
Both men laughed it off as Bidemi grabbed my hand and pulls me along and made her way into the compound, i followed along like a lost puppy. Getting inside she looked at me smiling and asked;
Bidemi: Dolly-p! hope you weren’t too scared of my dad
Me: Scared? That’s an understatement! I have died 3 times in a roll as i stood there!
Bidemi: Hahahaha! I’m sorry! Dad gets that way whenever he sees us around boys. My mom is nicer, you’ll meet her soon. She’s travelled to Dubai to get some things for her supermarket!
Me: (looking at the door) So when is your dad coming back?
Bidemi: Relax boyfriend! He won’t be back till night. Okay?
Me: Emmmm…. Ok! ….Did i just hear you call me boyfriend?
Bidemi: (smiling ) No i didn’t! you must have heard me wrong.
Me: Hahahaha. I’m sure i heard you say boyfriend. She laughed and moved closer, wrapping her arms around my neck. She smelt good and i took my hands around her waist. She looked me straight in the eyes and whispered
Bidemi: I missed you Dolly-p! I smiled and replied sarcastically
Me: Well that’s funny cause i didn’t miss you, i totally forgot about you! She laughed and hit me on my head, i laughed too and the silence grew again
Bidemi: Naughty guy!
Me: You know i missed you more. Everything reminded me of you. I just couldn’t shut you out of my mind. I love you Bee!
Bidemi: I love you more Dee! I pulled her close and kissed her on the lips, she responded in kind as we were both lost in oblivion. We must have kissed for God knows how long when we finally let each other go but each still held the other close.
She looked at me as she unbuttoned her Polo top, stopped and smiled. She took her hands down to her trouser and unbuckled it, she smiled again as i looked on, completely lost. Up again as her hands went up to the top, she loosed the second button and her cleavage became visible she looked at me and asked in a rather sensual voice!
Bidemi: Tell me boyfriend… (touched her cleavage )…..What’s on your mind?? I swallowed hard, my eyes fixed around her chest.
Me: You wanna know what’s on my mind?
Bidemi: Yes baby! Tell me!
I moved her close, pressing my body on hers and silently whispered in her ears…..
Me: Does your dad really have a gun?? We both laughed out loud as she fell on the sofa holding her stomach. I sat beside her.
Bidemi: You’re so funny! Let me get you something to eat, my love! She kissed me and went into the kitchen. I sighed, i looked down and noticed “junior ” had risen. I shook my head, not today…No, not today!
He sat on the mini rug as he watched the music video of Chris brown’s latest song aired on TV. He shook his head to the melody and almost stood up dancing when his sister, Funmilayo entered.
Funmilayo: My brother
Femi: How are you, my beautiful Sister?
Funmilayo: What’s going on with you and Bidemi now? You told me you are both in a relationship again right?
Femi: Yes we are. Is there a problem?
Funmilayo: Yes, as a matter of fact, there is.
Femi: What is it?
Funmilayo: I just saw her hugging another guy in front of her gate. Not just any guy, it was that sane guy that lives down the street.
Femi: Perhaps it’s high time i killed that yeye boy
Funmilayo: Or perhaps it’s high time you forgot about Bidemi and look for another girl to bother.
Femi: And why would i wanna do that??
Funmilayo: Let’s see…. I’ve you thought maybe she really doesn’t love you anymore?
Femi: No she still loves me! That guy is just distracting her.
Funmilayo: Looks to me that she likes the distraction. Look Bro Femi, I’m a girl too and i know how this things works. There can never be two guys except the girl allows it, forget about the other guy, pay attention to the girl and you’d realise the only reason there was another guy in the first place was because she let it happen!
Femi: I can’t believe I’m taking relationship advise from you .
Funmilayo: Hahahaha! but seriously brother, let Bidemi be, don’t let your ego drown you. you’ve dated her before and hurt her, no one doubts what you are capable of, so you have nothing to prove to anyone. Any girl would be lucky to have such a handsome guy as you are so just forget her. Shey eti gbo? (have you heard )
Femi: Motigbo o ( Heard you). I’ll let her be. She smiled pecked him on the cheek as she walked inside. He looked on, he heard only agreed because he wants her to stop bothering him, he has no plan of letting Bidemi go and he has a bigger and worst things in mind for that Dolapo of a boy! He continued nodding his head to the music and smiling !
Dolapo had left and she layed on her bed thinking of all the moments they spent together. There’s no doubt in her mind that she really loves him, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed. Now She’s faced with the challenge of having to tell Femi. Their 3 weeks relationship has been uneventful and nothing special. Femi will always be her first love and you never forget your first love until your true love arrives.
She’s find her true love in Dolapo. She heard her dad’s car honking outside, she stood up, wore her night gown and made her way down to the sitting room. My pumpkin! Her father exclaimed as he entered.
Bidemi: Welcome home daddy!
Dad: You should be asleep already o
Bidemi: I’ve been waiting for you. Mum is in Dubai and kikelomo is in school. it’s just you and I at home and i need someone to talk to.
Dad: That’s nice my pumpkin and I’m sorry i came home late. You want to talk? You only say that whenever you need money.
Bidemi: Haha! no o!
Dad: You know I’m right dear.
Bidemi: Hahahaha! Ok Dad! My birthday is coming up next week and i plan on throwing a party. You know i just finished sec sch and I’ve missed my friends, i just want to bring them all together to have fun before each of us goes to different Universities. I need money to do that Dad
Dad: Hmmmm.. so have you made your budget? Just give me the figures
Bidemi: Dad you know i have alot of friends and I’m planning to invite them all
Dad: Ehn ehn so how much do you need?
Bidemi: And i also need to get a DJ and buy refreshments Dad cuts in) just tell me how much you need
Bidemi: (sheepishly ) 500k sir
Dad: Come again?
Bidemi: Dad please now. i’m going to be 17 o
Dad: 17? Wow! My daughter is growing! So when is the birthday??
Bidemi: (surprised ) You forgot my birthday Dad! I’m really disappointed
Dad: I’m sorry pumpkin. i had alot on my mind. Try and forgive me
Bidemi: No i won’t
Dad: Emmmm…. Ok….if you forgive me…I’ll give you #700,000 for the birthday
Bidemi: (jumped up and hugged him) Thank you so much Dad. Ok i forgive you . The birthday is June 4th and that’s this coming friday.
Dad: Friday is in 4days time. Are you’ll meet up? How will you give out IVs to your friends?
Bidemi: It’s 2015 Daddy! We don’t use IVs anymore, I’ll just type it on my phone and send it as broadcast message to all my friends.
Dad: Ok then! i need to sleep now. I’ll write you the cheque in the morning.
Bidemi: Goodnight Dad! I love you! She watched on as her dad left the sitting room. she couldn’t wait to tell Dolapo the good news. she picked her phone and dialled him.
Dolapo: (picks up at the first ring) Hello Beautiful!
Bidemi: Guess what babe? (laughing )
Dolapo: emmm…you sound happy…let’s see….emmm… You’re pregnant?
Bidemi: (laughing ) No jor! Naughty guy! I’m throwing a party for my birthday on Friday.
Dolapo: (surprised ) This coming friday? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
Bidemi: I just decided just a few minutes ago, i told Dad and he agreed to give me some money
Dolapo: Wow! That easy?
Bidemi: Yes babe! I’m going out tomorrow to buy my party clothes, Do you want me to get something for you?
Dolapo: No Bidemi, you need not to worry about me
Bidemi: No i insist! i will get something for you! Go and sleep now ok? I still have some planning to make before i sleep
Dolapo: Ehn ehn…Birthday girl! Ok o
Bidemi: Your brother too is invited, don’t forget to tell him. Goodnight boyfriend!
Dolapo: I won’t . Goodnight Girlfriend. I love you!
Bidemi: (smiled ) And i love you more! She dropped the call. Making plans in her head. Deciding who gets to be invited or not. She picked up her phone again, this time calling Funmilayo, Femi’s sister.
Funmilayo: Hello Bidemi!
Bidemi: Funmilayo How are you?
Funmilayo: I’m fine! This one you’re calling me this late, i hope I’m safe
Bidemi: Hahahaha! No there’s nothing to worry about. I just want to let you know I’m having a Birthday party on Friday and you my friend are invited
Funmilayo: Awwwwww! Thank you friend! It’s going to be amazing, We have to Rock it!
Bidemi: Hahahaha! Yes we will! I have other calls to make so Goodnight dear
Funmilayo: Wait! Hope Femi is aware of this, have you told him?
Bidemi: Yes i have (she lied)
Funmilayo: Okay dearie! Goodnight! She knew she had to invite Femi but she wasn’t sure he’d pick her call so she sent a SMS. ” Hello Femi! How are you? Hope you’re fine sha. I wanna tel u ma bday is on fri nd m inviting u. please try and come. Night! “ She also composed her invite message and sent it to some specially selected contacts on her BBM. She did the same on Whatsapp. By the time she was done, she was half awake and half asleep, Friday is her birthday and she could hardly wait. She stood up and made her way to the room.
Bidemi’s call had woken me up but i tried to sound awake as i possibly could, She was too excited to have noticed anyways. Her birthday is on friday and i don’t know what to get her, i wish i had more money on me. Wale came into the room. He has been watching a movie in the sitting room.
Me: Emmmm..
Wale, Bidemi is celebrating her birthday party and she has invited the both of us.
Wale: (sarcastically ) Oh! The princess has invited us to her party! Let’s rejoice and thank God for the unusual blessing and privilege…(he hissed)
Me: O gbadun o (you’re not Ok) Just try and put your hatred for her aside, Ok? It’s this coming Friday so prepare for it.
Wale: Ok o. Oko Bidemi (Bidemi’s hubby) I hear you. i came into the room to sleep but your “good news” had kept me awake again, I’m going back to continue my movie.
He turned and left and i smiled at him. I can’t wait for Friday to arrive. i changed my position on the bed and in no time, i fell asleep.
Wale returned to the sitting room and sat down. A cunny idea came to his mind. He picked his phone and decided to send a SMS to Ada. The message reads.; “Hello Ada! Hop u ar not 2 busy on Fri. deres a bday party nd I’m inviting u. pls be dere” He sent the SMS and it was delivered within few seconds. Friday should come quick…. He thought
Funmilayo layed on her bed wide awake. She had taken a nap earlier which made it quite difficult to fall asleep now. She thought about the birthday party, most people that will be in attendance are people she probably wouldn’t know. For fear of being bored that day, the decided to invite Ruka, her friend. She called.
Ruka: Hello BFF mi, How are you?
Funmilayo: I’m okay o. Tell me, do you have any plan for this friday?
Ruka: Yes! I have a modelling audition in the morning
Funmilayo: Haaa in the afternoon stroke evening nko?
Ruka: Nope, I’m free!
Funmilayo: Good! you know Bidemi, She’s having a birthday party on Friday and i want you to attend it with me
Ruka: BIdemi? That same Bidemi. The one your brother was dating while asking me to date him too?
Funmilayo: Yes, That Bidemi! Ruka: Will Femi be there??
Funmilayo: Yes
Ruka: And i don’t want to set my eyes on him o but I’ll do this for you.
Funmilayo: Thank you my Bff! Oya go and sleep now. Goodnight!
Ruka: Goodnight dear.
Funmilayo ended the call and let out a sigh of relief, she won’t be bored at the party, now that her bestfriend will be there with her. Hoping friday will arrive sooner. She layed on her back still fighting to find some sleep.
He got her SMS and was disappointed she couldn’t even call to inform him. It’s obvious that bastard Dolapo has fed her lots of rubbish talks. There’s no doubt both of them have started dating according to what people had told him. He will attend the party but not to celebrate with Bidemi, He’s going there to rain fury on Dolapo. He made a call through to Tunde.
Tunde: Hello Mr. Playboy!
Femi: Hahahaha! How you dey na
Tunde: I dey kampe o (I’m fine) You nko?
Femi: I no dey o alright o my brother. That guy, Dolapo don show up for my baby kaban again o
Tunde: Yoh don’t mean it! Is he mad ni?
Femi: E mad o. That’s why I’m calling. Bidemi’s birthday party is on friday and Dolapo will be there too so i want you to attend the party so we can beat him up together. So What’s up?
Tunde: You know I’m with you anytime. We’ll teach the Dolapo guy some lessons finally
Femi: Yes now! No forget am o (Don’t forget). It’s this coming friday.
Tunde: I’m ready already
Femi: Hahahaha! i trust you. Ok now, Goodnight boss mi
Tunde: Goodnight my Ikoko!
Femi rested his back on the wardrobe door, He hates to do this but he knows he has lost Bidemi but he’s not going down without a fight. He made his way to his bed, He also can’t wait for Friday to come. ~
To Be Continuedc