The Man Every Woman Wants To Marry


Women are too special and people sometimes wonder the kind of choices they end up with. Give them something today and they like it, the next minute they don’t; in another minute, it seems they don’t even know whether they like it or not;
This can make approaching some women you admire like going for an HIV test; waiting for the outcome can be very scary. Does their smile mean a green light? Does their harsh response mean no or just pretense?
Men are like the mechanics; when something is not going well, we fix it. Men look for the needed hardware, screw drivers and then fix it. Making them straightforward and simple; but women on the other hand are like software, their approach to problem solving is processing. They need time, information, facts to get the job done.
Men can take decisions in a hurry; the woman on the other hand needs time to process that. Even when you think they don’t need time, they still ask for it. This is how complex they are.
The number one need of a woman is a man who makes her feel secured and appreciated. Someone who will accept her, admire her and make her feel safe, her defense.
This is was what made Eve fall in love with Adam. “This is it!” Adam exclaimed. “She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.” – Genesis 2:23 (TLB).
Women don’t want a man who will take them for granted; it is one of the worst things to expect from a man. When you do that as a man, you turn her from being a loving wife into an annoying mosquito. She nags, complains and feels unsafe.
Crying is part of the woman, God wants her tears to come out of laughter and not hurt. She is a blessing to the man but sometimes a man can make her feel cursed and they end up in tears.
Women love to talk to their men, they want a relationship where they can tell each other everything, they don’t want just headlines, they don’t want you hiding stuff either. They want a man who will listen.
Women won’t like to ride with a man who has other women in his backseat for she can’t stand competing for attention and security. They don’t want to be made jealous.
Women love a man who gives to them rather than one who only takes from them, not only gifts but time and care. To women, the best gift you can give them is your time; it feels like you’ve given them a portion of your life. It therefore hurts them so much when their man is online yet refuses to chat or talk to her.
Women love hardworking men, a man with vision, for they can’t follow you when you don’t have direction and a destination.
In conclusion women love men who love God, for such a man understands them and also knows what the bible says in Ephesians 5:25 (CEV )that “A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and gave His life for it”
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