The Billionaire’s P.A Episode 54




I regain consciousness when the feeling of water touches my skin.

“Get those off her! She’s not an animal.”

Van voice booms from the edge of the room. I was blindfolded so I couldn’t see sh*t yet his voice can’t be mistaken for any other.

I can feel the holds been cut off from my wrists before the bag or blindfold is taken away. I expect to be in a very dark room with a window like I’ve watched in the movies but instead I’m in a very pretty room. The bed is neatly arranged still. I looked forward and as expected, Van stood there watching me. I rushed towards him delivering as much slaps as I could onto his body. They were weak of course my body felt drained but I cared less, he needed to feel the intensity of my anger.

He’s set to marry soon. I even took it as my get out of jail free card. I imagined he’ll be too busy with the wedding preparations or honeymoon to care about me and then I could just slip away but instead he kidnapped me.

“This is kidnapping! I swear to God I’ll have you arrested.”

He chuckled staring at me surprisingly amusing.

“I don’t get how this can be funny in any way Van! Why won’t you leave me the f**k alone! Just go!”

I scream shoving him hard.

“I can’t leave you Elena. I love you.”


I scoff.

“You don’t love me. You barely know the definately of love.”

I continue forcing myself not to get emotional. He doesn’t get to know this hurts me. He doesn’t.

“You’re getting married. You’re going to live the perfect life. You claim you love me but you seem fine with getting married to another. Do you see how sickening that is! Just let me go!”

“So you can try escaping. You’re smart, I know. You’re still here till I figure out what next to do. The house is yours you just can’t leave.”

He turns away to leave.

“Van please don’t do this! Let me go!”

I beg, tears threatening to stream down.

“I’ll come to see you everyday. Bye Elena.”

He tries to peck me. I push him off and try to run towards the door. One of his hefty bodyguard captures me in his grip taking me back to the bed.

“You can’t run Elena. Don’t even try. They have instructions not to hurt you but they’re other ways to subdue, I love you.”

“You’re demented!”

“Bye now.”

He states, turns around for the second time and leaves. The gruffy man scowls before taking his leave too. I curse the day I met Van Mikeslson. Heaven knows how much I curse it!