Ogechi And I Episode 43 Final


Cynthia felt bad for me and Ogechi, and was willing to do anything within her power to help us out, as she had grown to come to terms with the fact that I was never meant to be with her. It was clear, even to the blind that I and Ogechi were destined to be together. I guess it’s true what they say; “DESTINY CAN BE DELAYED, BUT CAN NEVER BE DENIED”
Well, saying that could have been just to make me have the feeling of victory and accomplishment because there was still the issue of the renouncement to be dealt with. How on earth were we to go about that? Did we need to embark on a fast again to summon the bright light which pronounced that cursed blessing on us? Of course not! I personally wasn’t ready for that. But what else was there to be done?
Wise and smart Cynthia suggested something that seemed like the way out. She said; “IF OGECHI RENOUNCED HER LOVE FOR YOU SO THAT I CAN HAVE YOU, THEN I THINK I CAN ALSO RENOUNCE MY LOVE FOR YOU SO THAT OGECHI CAN HAVE YOU.” That seemed logical enough, but we needed more than logic to sort things out. After endless findings without nearing a seeming a solution or way out, we resolved to heed Cynthia’s idea, not minding if it turned out the wrong thing to do. Of course if it did, we would die. But we weren’t ready to chase shadows anymore. It was a risk we had to take. So I wrote down many songs and stories about what we were about to do in case we didn’t return alive.
I, Cynthia and Ogechi held a meeting between us, and Cynthia renounced her love for me with the very exact words Ogechi did before Cynthia awoke from coma. There was no effect afterwards pointing to anything positive or negative. So we proceeded to making our reunion know to the masses and there were great jubilations, and more doors of opportunity opened up for us. The people were happy for us, but we were afraid for our own lives, as anything could become of us at any time. After a while without any sign of anything, we concluded that the only way to really know if Cynthia’s renouncement of her love for me was the undoing of I and Ogechi’s separation was by making love. If we live after making love, then we’ll know it worked. If we died after making love, then the writings we had put down would tell the story.
So we had to make love to find out, but we were not permitted to do so without being married. I proposed to Ogechi on international TV for the world to witness in case they never saw or heard from us again in time to come. Our wedding was a mega one that was sure not to be forgotten in a hurry. Many dignitaries attended. Singers and actors from different parts of the world graced the occasion. It was indeed a memorable one.
After the day’s celebration, it was time for the main thing. I and Ogechi got together over five years back and had not even mistakenly had s-x. It would have been wrong if we did, considering our stand as spiritually moral people, but I guess poo happens sometimes. In our case it didn’t, and here we were, ready to seal our marital union with the sweetest love making ever. I just prayed Cynthia’s renouncement of her love for me was the solution to our problem.
I and Ogechi got into our hotel room feeling fulfilled and accomplished. We took some time to talk and smile at each other. We didn’t hurry to the night’s business because it could be our last. Sitting beside each other on the bed, we held hands and reminisced all that has happened in our lives over time. We went far back to our days in Enugu, when this true love journey began and got to when it seemed like it had come to an end when she left with Ck, and then Cynthia, the renouncement and finally our reunion. What an adventure it had been. The only desired thing after such adventure would be a happy ending, which we certainly had, though we didn’t know how long it would last. We were surely going to find out that very night.
After a session of expressing ourselves with what seemed like all the words in the English dictionary, we proceeded to seal our marital union. This time around, there wasn’t going to be an obstruction or hindrance like in times past, neither was there going to be any feelings of guilt looming in the atmosphere. I went forward to pull off what my heart had always conceived. What a wonderful feeling it was to have all the permission in the world to go ahead.
Lying bare on that bed was my Ogechi with ultimate readiness for all of me, causing every hesitation on my part to abscond. I went onto her and initiated the process with passionate kisses and cuddles, which lasted a while before our spirits got high and yearned for the only dose that could stabilize it. Finally, the big moment had come. The moment we’ll get to know whether or not Cynthia’s renouncement had undone the curse that was to accompany the very act we were about to engage in not quite two minutes away. Was it going to be death or life? If life, how wonderful it would be. If death, well, I guess all I could say was farewell in advance.
I positioned myself well in her, ready to unite our bodies. But just before I could register the first t—-t, I heard a slap on my head. OOOHHHH! So this was the end of it. All the money, all the fame, the future I would have built for myself and the heritage I would have left for those who followed after me. All was gone on the platform of trial and error love. Hmmm, what a story to tell to the next generation to keep them from making the same mistake like we did by doing all the stuffs we did which ended us lifeless on our wedding night in the supposed happiest moment of our lives.
I thought the first slap that landed on my head was intended to kill me. I had to think again because it was intended to do more. While soul was still drowning in a pool of regrets, not knowing the future that awaited it in the afterlife, I heard another slap on my head. This time it was hotter than the first, and I concluded I had unfortunately made it to hell because only the devil would slap a man on the head like that.
Suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw a very huge figure planted right in front of me with obvious irritation. My guess was right. That was the devil indeed. There was no way he couldn’t be the devil. But the environment didn’t look like that which is fitting for the devil to dwell in. It was cool unlike hell would be, very cool. I could hear sounds that was no way close the screams of torment expected to be heard in hell. Could all those things about hell have been mere fairy tells? I was trying to figure out where I was and who the mean man in front of me was when I heard him scream at the top of his voice;
“Oboy na which kind sleep be this for person shop eeh? C’mon stand up and go your house joor! Abi you no know say morning don reach??”
“Bros abeg no vex, na where be this?” I asked with shaky voice.
“You dey craze! Na your father you dey ask that kind question for this kind six O’clock for early morning. Omor get up from there mek I pack dirty dey go my way. Abi na so your own do you? All these small boys of nowadays, na so una just dey waka dey bleep ashewo anyhow. You don go bleep mami-water finish come dey mumu anyhow. Abeg comot for road”
You won’t believe this. I found myself at the same hookers’ point in Enugu where I normally spent my nights. Gosh!!! I had been dreaming all along.
sssSSSHHEETTT!!!!! It was all a dream. It began from the point where there was chaos at the hookers’ stand and the police came arresting people, where Ogechi woke me up and we escaped to a nearby hotel. It was all a dream. There was no Ogechi, no Cynthia, no Regina, and no Oklahoma. None of those was real.
When it dawned on me that I had been dreaming all along, I was somewhat troubled, and at the same time happy about the development. I was happy because I saw the dream to be a revelation of what was to come, which ended with me becoming a rich and famous superstar, married to another of my kind. But I was troubled because of all the ordeals I would have to pass through to get there. Was it even a revelation, or just wishful thoughts that graduated into a dream? Whatever it was, I was convinced it was surely going to play out in the nearest possible future.
I walked down to the spring at Ebeano tunnel where I normally had my bath to do so and proceed to my five thousand naira job. I was smiling as I walked majestically along the road, and some passersby noticed me and probable wondered if I had gone nuts or was in the process of doing so. I was already feeling like a superstar whose love was being contended for by two other superstars. Just as I was still walking down the road smiling, I got a call from one of my pals back at home who goes by the name; “OTOABASI, popularly known as Otty.”
“Otty how far nah?” I greeted.
“Omor ee don happen oo!” he threw back at me immediately with a tone of excitement.
“Wetin dey sup nah? Why you dey joli like this?” I asked. “Abi you don win lottery?”
“This one pass lottery oo” he replied.
“Oya cool down tell me wetin happen.” I said.
“You remember that Oyibo woman wey I bin recommend your poems wey you post for
http://www.allpoetry.com/Jesusboy for?” otty asked.
“Yes, I remember. What about her?”
“She has endorsed your poems to include them in her next compilation. And she wants you to partake in her contest in that same allpoetry.com. If you make it to top three, you’ll be on your way to the United States to join her officially, and you know what that means don’t you?”
“Mehnnnnnnn, are you serious?? So the woman finally gbadun my work! Chei!! I thank God oo.”
“Guy there is no time for all these. She wants to speak with you soonest. Where you dey?” otty asked.
“I dey Enugh oo” I replied
“Wetin you dey do for Enugu nah? You enter Enugu without even telling me? Well, start coming back immediately. There’s serious business on ground that needs you attention.” Otty said.
“No problems. I’ll be on my way tomorrow. Mehn thanks so much for everything. So I’ll now be working online with that woman, and may work one on one with her if I make it to top three in her contest. I can’t believe this. Abeg otty, remind me. I seem to have forgotten her name. Wetin bin be that woman name sef?” I asked.
“Nna guy, you don forget already? Na wetin dey occupy your mind?”
“No vex abeg. Just remind me.”
“Cynthia nah. Her name is Cynthia Foxx”
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