Nii Dromo Season 4 Episode 2


My first day at work was a hell of a time, I was shown in and out of the mortuary by an elderly man who I was told was going to be my partner and senior colleague, I saw bodies of different colours, shapes and sizes, the well to do people had a place they were kept whiles the poverty deprived once also had their small corner of the room.

Honestly I learnt a big lesson that day because every dead body was lying there naked, I meant to say both the beautiful and the ugly looking people,those who showed pride and arrogance when they were alive, those who were humble, those who will never expose any part of their bodies to you except you were their partners, those who lived as if they will never die, those who held big big positions and certificate, those who spoke and it became laws, bank rollers, mafias, men of God, bankers, big time business tycoons, thieves and some that were involved in a fatal accident were all lying down unclad.

Man shouldn’t be boastful for anything in the world because we all never know our end, the pictures I saw in there kept repeating itself in my head every now and then and the rate at which people were been brought there was alarming, it seems between every 10 – 15minutes fresh dead bodies were brought to the mortuary, some from the hospital itself whiles others came from the outside

My new partner showed me the basic things I needed to know as a worker at the mortuary and before we closed for the night shift people to take charge I had made about 700cedis, yes you read right the amount I wrote!!!. You might be wondering how I made that money right? Well as you deposit the dead body of your relative or friend you must grease our palms so that we put or place the body at a better place or fridge so that by the time you come back to pick your corpse to bury it, it will still be in good shape or the person might not change, also when you deposit the body you must come and check or visit your corpse at least once in a week to see that where we kept the body remains same, before you leave you must also find something for us as the mortuary custom demands.

For that very day I loved my job and vowed never to look else where for any job again because looking at the nature of the job and monies that were going to pass through my hands I had to be a landlord by a year time, honestly for my first night in my room I couldn’t close my eyes to sleep because I was scared with the flashbacks I was getting from some of the accident bodies, you can’t imagine some of the bodies were without arms and legs, with others they had broken or mashed head with their brains popping out just to mention a few.

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I came out of my room and went to a nearby drinking spot and drank my head off, how I managed to get back to my room its only God that knows and I woke up very early with the first c–k croak, when I got to my new work place I narrated my nightmare to my senior colleague and he told me it was normal but with time I will get use to it so I shouldn’t worry my head over it and also advised me that if I decide totake refuge in alcohol when the dead pictures flashed in my head I will end up being a drunkard so I should rather be a man and face the scary pictures when the flashed through my head. I took the advice and it really helped me

Fast Forward:
Within a twinkle of an eye I had worked for 5months and my account had started overflowing with money that when I went to the bank to do some transactions I always got the female tellers smiling at me broader, hmmmmmn women and money, even if you are as ugly as a baboon they will always get something nice and sweet to say about you

I relocated from the kiosk to a chamber and hall self contain and gave my kiosk to some shoeshine boy who slept in the open space to occupy it, levels don change for good and everything was beginning to turn around for my good, with my family at the village I did well in sending them between 800-500cedis every month depending on the monies that came my way, for my salary I had better plans for it so I never touched it, my mother was very excited because now I was making life a bit comfortable for them and she always asked me where I was working now and I always lied to her that I was working with some NGO because I knew if I didn’t lie to my mum about my job she will never give her mind to me aside the money, provisions and groceries that I sent them

I bought 2 taxis and 1 bus later which I was going to use the sales they made to build my planned house, in less than a month after buying the cars I bought 3plots in a very decent location and started my building project immediately, who said mortuary man nor be job, I dressed like a cooperate person when leaving the house to my work place because they say “the way you dress is the way you are addressed”

Everything happens for a very good reason. There is no shortcuts to heaven so lets learn to work and enjoy from our own labour.

Will Nii Dromo get this far if he chose to go in for the sugar mummy or would he be still alive or fit if he went back to the accounting firm?

Listen to the counsel of the wise and adults when you are privileged to have that opportunity.

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