Nii Dromo Season 3 Episode 5


Gradually the morning sun rose and day light filled the room again, I stood up and went to the washroom to freshen up, I heard sounds coming from the kitchen and I knew Juliana was trying to put things together, was she trying to lure me into her life with food since they say “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”, mtcheeeeeeeew who was thinking about food at this crucial part of life.

I was supposed to go to class that morning but hey what at all could I learn or conceive when I get there because my mind had gone on an expedition to find solution to the mess I saw myself in, in the washroom an idea popped up in my head and I felt it was necessary I followed that idea,

I came out of the washroom freshened and rejuvenated and as I applied lotion on my body, Juliana came to serve me with my breakfast and all of a sudden I felt hunger and the edge to eat the food before me, honestly I ate the food as if I just finished a 31days fasting and truth be told the food was superb.

I finished the food in less than 5minutes as it was put before me, Juliana came to clear the table and went to the kitchen and later moved to the washroom to shower, she came back again naked and this time around I felt Nii Dromo tapping my thighs in my boxer, I heard myself murmuring saying “what can come can come, what can happen can happen, what can do can do – right now for here”,

I jumped from the bed and held Juliana in my arms and started banging her white and black as if my life depended on that round of s-x that very moment, in fact I banged her like a w—e who was trying to escape from me after I had paid for her services that she pleaded for mercy but my gentlemanly spirit was out of me. It took me almost an hour and half before I ejaculated heavily into her because after all its advised medically that you have to be having s-x with your partner frequently so that she can deliver without stress or any complications.

None of us could stand on our feets as that round of s-x I had with her was my longest and wildest ever I have had, all of a sudden I started speaking and the words that came out of my mouth were surprising to Juliana and even to my ears, I told her I wanted to meet her parents that very morning so she should prepare so we leave to her family house that very moment, she looked surprised and a bit scared with my statement but was she having any excuse to give me that very moment, she was a bit reluctant to get herself ready but my mind was also made up, at least I had over 10000cedis in my accounts that could take care of the mother and child before I secured a job for myself, I didn’t love her but she was allegedly carrying my child so I dressed up and she also did same,

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I opened my drawer close to my bed and brought out 500cedis so we could use as transportation to Juliana’s family house. I gave her 150cedis out of the 500cedis I took out of the drawer to hold and we left the room, as we descended the staircase and got to the car park of the hostel some thugs attacked me from behind and started beating me like a thief for no just reason, as I was been beaten I saw one guy talking with Juliana in a harsh way and giving her some slaps, per my calculations I realised the guy was Juliana’s boyfriend and he asked where she slept the previous night because they followed her to this hostel last night as she made way to this place and that if she was seen anywhere close to this hostel again her life will be a miserable one, the guy whistled to the guys and the beatings stopped, he came to where I was lying helplessly and bleeding from my mouth and nose, he ordered them to raise me up from the ground and brought out a jack knife to threatening me that the next time am spotted around Juliana or even walking 10meters close to her I will be assassinated and my miserable body will not be seen to be buried and after saying that he slapped me that made me fall flat on the ground, they sat in a taxi parked close to us and drove off.

One thing I had realised from the people in my hostel was that no one was ever willing to risk his or her life for you when you are been attacked by people so I helped myself up and made way to my room feeling very weak and tired. I was supposed to be crying or mourning for the way I had been dealt with but rather I was smiling to myself for no just course as I made way to my room, I conveyed myself to the washroom and cleaned myself before rushing to the university hospital for a checkup to be conducted all over my body, fortunately for me I was told my injury wasn’t a serious one and I didn’t get any injury that will cause me any future problem so I was given tetanus injection and some pain killers and anti biotics to be taken home……..

I believe you know why I was smiling to myself as at now?
My biggest problem has been solved by receiving beatings from some thugs.
Tomorrow is another day we shall meet God willing

To be continued