Mr Perfect Season 2 Episode 44


They drove straight to her house, its been quite a long ride. She stepped down from the limo.
Mirabel: gale she called
Gale: ma’am he said walking to were she stood with his hands behind his back.
Mirabel: am sure you know Dr charles, i need a few photos of his daughter or should i say my daughter. Do that discreetly, i need those pictures before the sun goes down, after that you are free to go home, that will be all.
Gale: ok ma’am he said leaving.
She walked into her house, had a refreshing shower, sat on her sofa, she really couldnt wait to see her daughter. She thought as she smiled abit but then she had to delay the proccess abit Garet has to leave first she thought.
He drove for a while and soon he was home, walked in through the door, to see pamela lying on the couch watching only God know’s what.
Damian: and what is she doing on the couch.
Pamela: turning to see who dared to ask her such a lame question, damian!!!! She scream, spranged up from the couch as she jumped on him excitedly.
Damian: catching her halfway with alot of smiles, i missed you sis
Pamela: i missed you too she said as he dropped her.
Damian: wheres mum he asked.
Pamela: before i give an answer to that, dont you dare tell me you came all the way here with nothing for me.
Damian: you’ve just said it he said winking.
Pamela: aaaarrrgh am so not talking to you anymore, am gonna have to wait for lucas and ricky. I know lucas gonna get me something she said smiling.
Damian: what about dad am sure he’d be home by now today is friday.
Pamela: stop talking to me she yelled closing her ears with her hand
Damian: smiling crazy girl he said as he walked away into his room.
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She sat on the couch waiting for ricky or lucas to walk in. They were all suppose to come at the same time she thought and after a long time of waiting she decided to ask damian. She walked to his room, entering without knocking, a bad habit she was always scolded for that but never changed.
Pamela: why are they not here?
Damian: who are you talking about.
Pamela: my brothers
Damian: ooh that! i thought we werent in talking terms he said smiling.
Pamela: i changed my mind so tell me.
Damian: well i really dont think they are coming so you are stuck with this bro for the weekend, happy now he said grinning.
Pamela: never!!! She yelled as she ran out to the master’s room which her parents occupied. Walked in without knocking.
Milano: he was about kissing his wife when the door flew open.
Vanessa: jeeez pamela!! How many times do I have to tell you!! Knock before entering? She asked.
Pamela: mum damian said ricky and lucas aint coming!! She said sadly.
Milano; is damian back already?
Pamela: yes, right in his room.
Vanessa: hahaha come on honey i think he’s kidding.
Pamela: no he wasnt!!
Milano: alright then am gonna call them and prove to you, your bro was kidding he said smiling abit as he reach for his phone dialing ricky’s number after a few secs he picked.
Ricky: hello dad
Milano: i know you are aware of the show tomorrow, why are you not here? He asked
Ricky: i changed my mind?
Milano: am sure you have a reason for that.
Ricky: ok fine i’ll tell you lucas has a deep cut on his face covered with a white plaster, he wont be coming so am not.
Milano: what happened to him? He asked curiously
Ricky: damian happened he said
Milano: ok you boys should just wait abit and go no where am coming right away he said hanging up.
To be continued