Morning Dose Of Inspiration#36 Chew And Pour


  Gone are the days when in Senior High Schools, there was this common practice amongst students, “Chew and Pour”. Students memorized what they were taught, and produced it just as is it, verbatim and nothing more.
  Student mostly adopted this practice either because they were lazy or had not understood the subject, and an attempt to comprehend what they were taught, leads them to further confusion. So in order not to fail, the student had to ‘chew’ and ‘pour’; their only option to making the grade.
  At the same time, there are other subjects the student goes through practicals, and that helps them better understand. With this they do not produce just a copy of what they were taught, but write to the best of their knowledge. These subjects tend to become their favourites.
  There are lots of people living life confused. They met someone who gave them all the sweet promises, built their world with words, and they fell so deep, yet such people are causing them so much pain.
  Some people have given so much to others and what they get in return is hurt and pains, so they have concluded that certain things will always remain the same.
  You might have heard people say: “All men are the same”, “There is no true love” “Everyone is fake”, etc. Such people even predict the end of a relationship from its beginning. They are either afraid or insecure.
  Well some theories in life become “Chew and Pour” because of the absence of the practical. We take people by their words instead of their actions. If not why will you continue to be in a bad relationship when you know you are dying. If not why do you keep voting for the wrong person knowing they can’t provide you with the kind of change you want. If not why are you still in the wrong profession without personal satisfaction?
  Actions always speak louder than words, actions will always remove doubts that theory cannot solve. Actions always carry messages of confirmation, why some things cannot work.
  I have learnt in life, you cannot force loyalty. Some people will always let you down. Everybody won’t always be who you want them to be, which is “chew and pour” by the way for me. I also realized that people are consistent with who they want to be consistent with. They are true to who they want to be true to. They are loyal to who they want to be loyal to. After all, life is all about choices.
  But I have gone beyond “Chew and Pour”. I actually observe action. I pay attention to action. Every excuse people give, gets them closer to an exit from my life. It is not a loss anyway but a gain for the right person to come. For life is too short to waste time on games. This doesn’t mean I should be cold towards people. We can be cool but definitely not close.
  In conclusion “Riches can disappear fast. And the king’s crown doesn’t stay in his family forever—so watch your business interests closely. Know the state of your flocks and your herds” – Proverbs 27:23-24 (TLB).
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  Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.