Morning Dose Of Inspiration#18 Relationships



  Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for — Bob Marley

  Relationships are like exams, you have to study very hard,  bring your A game to the center and work for a pass mark. A good exam however has no 100%. You can hit 99.5% but never 100.

  Dear girls, if he says he loves you,  it’s not mandatory for him to supply you with all your wants and needs so don’t turn him into a cash cow and guys,  it’s just a relationship not a sex party to turn her into your sex slave.

  A failed relationship however is not the end of life.  Pick yourself up and move on.  No need to be bitter,  believe in the law of karma.

  If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours, if they don’t they never were —  Richard Bach

Credit: Nii Kweinortey Quaynor