Jerry John Rawlings, John kuffour nd John Mahama were travelling thru a forest nd dey came across some group of vampires. The vampires asked each of dem to look for 10 fruits in the forest. Rawlings got oranges and kuffour also got grapes while Mahama was still searching for his fruit. They both brought their fruits to the vampires. The vampires then asked dem to swallow their fruits, nd any one who laughs will be killed. Rawlings swallowed two oranges nd got choked on da third one then he died, Kuffour had it easy nd took his grapes nd swallowed all the 10 like fufu but he laughed nd was killed, the reason why he laughed was because he saw Mahama coming with watermelons. 
Dont laugh alone send it to others………😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂