False Pretense Episode 33


He shrugged “Yeah, I feel everything is premeditated, as in meant to happen, for me there are no co incidences or mistakes in life. People who come into your life are meant to impact you in one way or another.”

“Wow, that’s deep, bro.” She joked

“Were you high on weed when you came to that realisation?” He laughed

“are you mocking my deep insight?”

“No, it does make some sense, I do believe in fate too, only that it’s usually not too fair to me, anyway go on,” She was enjoying this, him baring it all for her.

“Anyway, I decided to throw it into fates hands and see what would happen, I let you leave without saying anything, I didn’t bother with asking for your contact details and then the next day you were in my offices again, and that was my confirmation. I decided to go in, I told you how I felt over lunch but you blew me off, and then I had to travel. All through the time I’d been away, I’d had you on my mind, planning to woo the hell out of you till you agreed only to return and find out you had gotten back with your boyfriend. You can’t begin to imagine how I felt, especially as you’d spent the whole afternoon with him doing God knows what.”

“I spent only an hour out, I don’t know where your P.A got the idea that I stayed out three hours.” She defended herself.

“Okay, I believe you now but that day it got me so angry and jealous…..and then I saw you in the parking lot some days after, kissing him, I thought I would explode with envy. I kept wondering why you were with him, didn’t you know it was only a matter of time before he would betray your trust?”

She sighed, she’d never even thought about that for a second, Izu had been there for her all the time, why in the world had he gone and messed up like this?

“Anyway,” Ise continued without waiting for her reply “You’re a rare gem, Kite, right from the first time I saw you, I knew you were different. When you step into the room it’s like there’s a spotlight on you, I don’t know if it’s just me but there’s just something about you, something I would definitely like to explore.” He turned to look at her now, their eyes met as she’d been staring at him all along, he wasn’t done yet “I know it’s still soon and you’re not settled at the moment but I’m willing to go as slow as you want, I won’t rush or force you into anything, but I’ll always be here for you and you can definitely trust me.” She’d listened in silence but now it was time to speak

“Mr. Williams-“She started and he gave her a bad eye making her correct herself “Ise, sorry, it’s not you that’s the problem here, it’s me, you don’t know me, I’ve done things I’m not proud of, my past is really colourful, I’m not the kind of girl you should be with. Guys like you …..”

“I don’t care about your past, the past is just what it is…it’s past, gone.”

“Still we’re from different sides of the tracks; your friends will call me a gold digger.”

“That’s the least of my problems, anyone who spites you, spites me also, anyone who treasures their friendship with me will accord you the respect you deserve or they’ll have me to contend with.”


“Still nothing, stop fighting it, just take some time out to think about it, will you? I trust that you’ll make the right decision, whatever you decide, I’ll respect it. Even if you turn me down, we’ll keep working together like nothing ever happened, but promise me you’ll think about it, will you?” He looked at her, his eyes pleading and she wondered what she’d done to have a guy like him so into her.

“Okay, I will.” She said knowing within her that she wasn’t going to accept, they were just too different, from different ends of the tracks. Being with him would be too much for her, the crowd he mixed with looked down their noses at people like her. He was a really nice guy but she would have to turn him down. He was too much for her, overwhelming, rich as sin, Ivy league graduate and perfect in every sense of the word whereas she was from a village, had committed lots of petty crimes in order to survive and aside from her pretty face and good intellect she had not much going for her.

They were so wrong for each other; she knew she wouldn’t be able to endure the knowing stares from people who would think she’d latched onto him because of his money. She was sure she would embarrass him a lot of the time and he would finally come to the realisation that they weren’t meant for each other. She would save him all the embarrassment by not consenting to his request. She would politely decline, pick up the pieces of what was left of her heart and move on but for now she would enjoy his embrace and company.

He’d successfully gotten her mind off her sorrow and she did indeed feel much better, flattered that a billionaire was begging for her affections. What did it feel like being a billionaire, she wondered. Maybe she should ask him but as she turned to look at him she saw he’d dozed off. She smiled, he looked so adorable, not like the bossy control guy she was used to seeing at work.

She snuggled into him and sleepily, he turned to his side, pulling her back to him, burying his face in her hair, she felt his breath fan across her neck. They were spooning and they weren’t even dating, how in the world would they get back to work and act like nothing had happened between them, she wondered.


Izu heard the car drive in and rushed to the window to confirm that it was Kite coming back. He let put a sigh of relief as he saw it was her, his eyes went to the wall clock. It was six a.m, he’d been so worried he’d not had a wink of sleep. When she hadn’t come back that night, he was scared that something bad might have happened but he was now really relieved to see she was well. He was also scared, really scared he was going to loose her. He deserved it but he couldn’t bring himself to accept it, Kite meant so much to him, they had so much history together, she was the one he’d seen spending his future with. What had he been thinking? That she would never find out? He’d been foolish and weak and now he was on the verge of losing such a rare gem.

The door opened and she came in, he was already waiting in the hall. She looked up, saw him but ignored him, moving past him, she went into the living room.

“Kite.” He called her, she didn’t reply, she just continued on her way to the room. “Please talk to me,” He begged as he followed behind. She went to where her bag which she’d brought in just a few days back was kept and picked it up. Izu understood she was about packing her things.

“No!” He said sharply going for the bag “No!” He dragged it from her hands but she held on tight to it, pulling him back.

“Izu! Leave my bag or I swear to God I will leave here without my things.”

“Kite please, let’s talk about this, you can’t leave me, what would I do without you?”

“You should have thought about that before you slept with that bitch. I‘m leaving Izu, there’s nothing you can do to stop that from happening. Now hand me my bag.” She was determined, he could see.

“Where are you going? Lucky and Di’s place? I gather you’ve not told them about it yet.” Her eyes widened as she looked up at him

“Did you talk to them?”

“I was scared last night when you didn’t come back and I called them, you were not there,” he said holding her gaze “ Where did you spend the night?”

“What? Oh please, are you really asking me that? I don’t owe you any explanation, you disappear for months no word, sleeping with one bit’ch and now you come back to ask me for explanations? I owe you none!” She spat angrily

“None!” His eyes narrowed “Where did you spend the night Kite ?” he asked again

“You know what?” She asked folding her arms over her chest “ I‘ll tell you where I spent the night, just so I can gloat in your face! I spent it in Ise Williams’s house, in his room and on his bed! There, are you satisfied.” His felt a squeeze on his heart,

“That’s a lie.” She was just saying it to hurt him.

“A lie, why? Do you think a billionaire can’t be attracted to this? For your information, he is, remember that lunch you saw us having together at the Hilton? It was more than just a business lunch, Ise Williams has a thing for me but unlike you I didn’t just give it up but then yesterday, I suddenly became free of you and his house was the first place I went to.” Her words hit him like bricks, he’d suddenly become so weak he wondered how he was still standing, he wanted to faint. What was this she was telling him?

“Did you sleep with him?” He found himself asking calmly, he needed to be sure.

“We spent the night together, what do you think we did? Ofice work?” Izu clenched his feet needing to hit something

“goddammit Kite!” He screeched, “Why?”

“Because I want you to know how I hurt, I want you to feel it too, to feel the pain, Izu.” Izu was feeling the pain, his heart literally was clenching, aching, how could she have acted like that?

“Don’t put this on me Kite, you slept with him because you’ve also had feelings for him. That was why I felt something amiss! Whenever I kissed you it wasn’t like old times, have you been seeing him behind my back?”

“Oh please! I have more restraint than you ever had! Last night was it and although he asked me for a relationship, I’m not going to agree to it. He’s such a great person, he doesn’t need someone like me and besides I think I need a break from men generally, for a while.” Izu watched her as she got back to packing her things.

He was raging with anger, he needed to let it out somehow. Finally he was coming to terms with it, they were officially over. She’d given herself up to another man so easily, she’d made her point crystal clear but he’d be damned if he was going to let her off so easily. She’d started this and she would finish it.

“Kite.” He said her name coldly and without feeling, she turned probably surprised at his tone “You want to play games, right? Well lets play, but you’ll play to my rules.” She paused what she was doing frowning she asked,

“what are you talking about?”

“This thing with Williams you’ve started, you’ll finish it!” He told her eyeing her. She hissed going back to packing her clothes together.

“You think I’m playing?” He asked grabbing her by the arm, he pulled her away, placing his hands on her shoulders, he pushed her not too gently down on the bed, forcing her to sit down.

“Owwww!” She protested.

“ You slept with him right? Well, you are going to keep sleeping with him and in the process you are going to get me my thirty million I need to pay off Brenda.” Her eyes widened

“Are you crazy?” She screamed “I will do no such thing!”

“Yes you will, not if you don’t want me to expose you to him for who you really are! I have a list of names of the people whom you helped me with, the ones you helped swindle. I could direct him to them or better still I’ll just send him those pictures we blackmailed your former boss with. You remember them? those ones are sure to get his attention.”

“You wouldn’t!” She gasped unbelievably

“Wouldn’t I? I’m a hurt, desperate man right now and I’ve seen my life line, I’m going to pull on you Kite, you’re either coming down with me or you help me , okay?”

“Have you lost your bloody mind?” She yelled.

“Yes, I’ve lost whatever is left of it!” He yelled back at her “You took what was left and burnt it. I hate you so much right now kite, you wanted me to hurt? You have your wish but you are going to pay, I’m not letting you off just like that.” He gave her a murderous look. She gave him an incredulous look

“You’re crazy , Izu. I won’t do it, not in a million years!”

“ You’re sure right?” He gave a bitter laugh “You’re sure that’s your decision?, because If it is, all I need to do is deliver the envelope containing those pictures to the reception.” She’d paused and was looking at him with a bewildered frown on her face,

“You would really do that to me? You would really blackmail me?”

“Yes! I’m hurting too Kite! You got what you desired, I’m hurting but I won’t hurt alone, I’ll take you along with me. You are going to do this or I’m going to him with your pictures.” She shook her head

“So, you’re finally unravelling, Izu?” She said quietly, as if just seeing him in a new light “You would really blackmail me? Just yesterday morning you were whispering sweet things to me and now-“

“Oh please, spare me! And how about you? If you had really loved me, you wouldn’t have run into another man’s arms so easily! That only shows you’d been looking for some reason to sleep with him since and once you got it, off you went” He snapped his fingers for effect “So don’t talk to me about love, it’s not a button you can switch on and off just like that.” Suddenly he felt a moisture coming down his cheeks, his hand went up to it wondering what it was. Tears! What? He was actually tearing up without knowing it, that was the depth of pain he felt, he’d also been betrayed by the girl whom he’d thought had loved him. He wiped his eyes more angry that he was wasting tears on her.

“You are going to get the money for me, you have three weeks to do it, ten million every week. Cash or otherwise, any week you fall behind, I’ll send a picture every hour, since I have so many!” He laughed, a dark mirthless sound.

She was seated on the bed now, still with that bewildered and hurt expression on her face as she looked at him. He was done with talking, he would leave her to pack her things and let herself out of the house.

“Sweetie, don’t worry your pretty self too much. The money won’t be a problem with your rich boyfriend, you’re a pro at using people so I have faith in you.” He told her as he took his leave. “When you’re done with your things, let your self out, babe!”

She was still on the bed, hadn’t said a thing or moved since, acting stunned. He didn’t believe any of it, Kite could be such an actress, she’d never really loved him anymore since he’d returned. He should have known, it had been in the way she kissed him these days, how she held herself back from him whenever they made out. He was foolish, he should have read the signs.

The tears were coming down freely now, she would pay for making him feel this way. She’d wanted him hurt and she’d succeeded but she’d not counted on him lashing back at her. Well, that was just too bad.

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