So many times in our lives, we go through very difficult and painful situations.Situations we wish never happened due to the associated pain and heartache.
A failed business, a lost relationship, the death of a beloved, an examination failure, a lost opportunity, etc.
Life is that way. John C Maxwell puts it, “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn”
You can’t win everyday. You can’t be happy everyday. Sometimes there’ll be wins and sometimes there’ll be losses. Such is life. But in every loss or difficult moment, is an opportunity to learn, an invitation to be a better you.
Most times, life’s greatest lessons are learnt from our losses or pains. If you keep your eyes and your mind wide open enough, you will see the lessons in every painful experience.
So, don’t be too sad, too depressed, frustrated, and don’t cry too much when your difficult (learning) moments arrive.
Embrace the moment and learn as much from it. You will be better off. And remember, no condition is permanent. You difficult moments won’t last forever. THEY WILL COME AND GO.