Devil’s Bride Episode 55


Hazel’s p.o.v

“Not really, just never thought you could be gây.”

“My parents hate me because I’m gây.” Now putting on a serious face, his voice holding a tinge of sadness.

“It started when I was little. I would wear my twin sister’s clothes behind closed doors, I just happened to have a liking for girl’s stuff and there was a day I forgot to lock the door. My mum who wanted to get something from our room entered and caught me red-handed. She didn’t take that day’s seriously thinking I did it because of my young age. My twin sister knew about it but she hid it from my parents, because I pleaded with her not to tell them. The day my Mum knew for sure that I was gây was the day she caught me and one of my male friends from school who came to visit me, kissing in my room. I was twelve then, she cried like crazy so much I felt sorry for her. She couldn’t keep it to herself and went ahead to tell my dad about it when he returned back from work in the evening. He threw me out of the house that night in the freezing cold. The worst part was, I only had a light top and pajamas on that night, I almost froze to death. The following day, my mum took me to my aunt’s place with all my things to start living there. My dad disowned me because of that.”

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“Why would he do that?”

“He had a reputation to protect.” He rolled his eyes.

“And your twin sister never begged them to get you back?” I asked.

“What! She hated me so much too then. She said the other kids in her class made jest of her at school because of me and because of me she didn’t have any friend.”

“She is still like that until now?”

“Not anymore but my parents still hate seeing me. Anyway that aside, do you have any idea of what next week Monday is going to be about?”

“No. Any event?”

“Not an event but ‘a rose from me to you, my department head’ day.”

“Just hearing about it. What is it about?”

“We department members would present our department head with a rose which symbolizes how we feel about them. Roses come in different colors and each color has it own meaning, you know that right?”

“Yeah I do.” I answered.

“Hi guys.” Mandy came in just then.

“Good Morning, Mandy.” I and Jameson greeted together.

She made her way over to my desk to join us after dropping her bag on her desk.

“What’s going on here?”

“Just telling her about the ‘a rose from me to you, my department head’ day.”

“Wait, August 1st. That should be next week Monday right?”

“You are right.” Jameson answered.

“Whoa, I can’t wait for Monday to come. Did you tell her our former head of department didn’t get a single rose from any of us last year?”

“Don’t remind me.” Jameson laughed.

“Why didn’t she get a single rose?” I asked.

“None of us liked her. The witch was the best word to describe her. During the time she was here, she was hostile and snaps at everyone like a wounded dog.” Mandy said.

“Hi. Good morning everyone.” Juliana squealed on entering the office just then with Michael and Catherine following behind.

They joined our little group as well and not long, the whole department was complete.