Broken Chain” Episode 2



Adjoa rested on her back asking to hold the new born baby. But the nurse who was holding the baby didn’t look happy.  The baby was lifeless when he came out. It was a baby boy but unfortunately it was not alive.

Adjoa noticed it and instantly knew that her baby was long gone. She wept, it hurt her so much just like the death of her late mother. Even though she had nothing to offer in terms of giving the child healthy living condition, it was the only thing that could keep her alive since she didn’t feel part of any family.

She cried for her los. It really hurt her but sixteen year old Adjoa never stopped praying. That was what her mother had taught her. She was brought up in that way, so it became part of her.  To her, God keeping her alive alone through her condition was enough for her. She didn’t ask for more. She only spent time in thanking and asking for more long life to endure the pains of the earth.

Adjoa never set her eyes on her father but only saw him in a picture. According to her late mother, her father died serving for the country in a peace keeping war far away in Rwanda. He was a military man and left for a mission when Adjoa’s mother was only four months pregnant. 

That was the last time Adjoa’s mother set her eyes on him. The next thing she heard was the death of her husband. That was when things began changing for Adjoa’s mother. Through her struggles, she was able to raise Adjoa up till the age of nine where she was finally called by God.

All this while Nana stood at the OPD waiting for a good news that Adjoa had delivered safely. He was on his way to work when he heard the cry on Adjoa from the kiosk.  Nana got married recently and for three years he has been praying to God together with his wife, Adoley, for a child. Though, they have all been medically proven healthy enough to bear children, her wife was yet to conceive.  In a nut shell they were a good couple and Christians too.

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Adoley on the other hand had her own short comings. She was so much clinging to Nana’s past. There was this one time that Nana was caught cheating on Adoley right at his office.
By then, they had not yet gotten married. It took time for Adoley to forgive him but however she eventually did. That was not all, Adoley was a good wife by all standards but she always used Nana’s cheating past against him. Anytime they had issues just like any other couple, she will find a way of referring Nana to his past.

With this attitude, Nana always felt that he owes his wife a lot. The more Adoley made references to Nana’s past the more Nana drew himself away from her.  There were times that it became unbearable for him that he almost gave up in his marriage.

The only thing he had to do now to keep his marriage safe and also stop Adoley his wife from talking about his past was to avoid conflict as much as he can.

He had passion for kids and always wished to have one of his own. By as you know, God’s time is always the best.

Finally, he saw a nurse coming out from Adjoa’s ward. He quickly approached her and asked.

“Nurse, how is the  young lady doing, the one I brought in some couple of hours ago, how is she?” Nana asked.

“Oh she is doing well sir.”  The Nurse answered.

“Has she been able to deliver, what about the baby” Nana quickly followed up with the question.

“hmm, Its unfortunate sir, she lost the baby. We did everything we could” The Nurse said and went away leaving Nana there speechless.

Adjoa remained at the hospital for three days, with Nana taking care of her feeding and all other hospital expenses. She was finally discharged on the third day. Nana couldn’t bear the fact that he was going to leave Adjoa back on the unsafe streets. He needed to do something about it. For the meantime, he took Adjoa to a hotel and booked a room for her there until he gathers the courage to tell his wife about this Adjoa girl he had met.

But upon getting home after he had left the hotel where Adjoa was, to his surprise , his wife, Adoley was already aware of it. As soon as he opened the door to his living room, there stood Adoley looking very angry and standing right behind the door.

“Can you tell the business you were having at “Le Domino Hotel”? As far as I’m concerned, you were supposed to be at your office meeting with Josh and his partners to seal the deal.” Adoley said.

She was a smart lady, she had made all her enquiries and was well informed about what was going on at Nana’s office. She knew Nana may give the excuse that he was going to have a business meeting at the hotel just like the way he lied to her some time ago only to find out that he was at his office flirting with a colleague.

To be continued @ 1pm
