Be Appreciative


  You do not require sophistication to be happy and to make your children and people around you happy.
  You know why? The rich, sometimes, with all the sophisticated riches, do not get the happiness they require.
  Sometimes, the poor, when they appreciate what they have, are overly joyous, and they have a reason to do so.
  To a family, merely watching their child active and climbing some flowers trees and jumping around in the sand, is enough to make them smile over a beautiful life. 
  To another, their child must win a computer game to make them smile. 
  It is all about what one chooses to be enthusiastic over. You have all you need to be happy and to put a smile on.
  Stand up, appreciate all the little things around you, and you will keep a smile on your face.
  Have a wonderful morning Pobs-tarians