“Adzo” (The Untamed) Season 2 – Episode 13



Adzo stood there without knowing what to say. She didn’t need help from Mansa or anyone. She knew that, anyone who tried to help her will actually face more obstacles than she had even faced.

Mansa however was very determined to know more about Adzo, it was quite surprising to see such a young girl like Adzo to be pregnant.

“Please young girl, have a seat with me. And feel free to tell me anything. Don’t forget you are at the house of God” Mansa said.

Adzo’s gave a surprise look. You could tell that she didn’t understand what Mansa meant by house of God.

“House of God? will he be angry seeing me here” Adzo asked.

To Mansa, that was a very strange question Adzo asked. She wondered why did she even said that. Little did she know that Adzo didn’t even know that God existed.

“Why that questions my dear sister, God can’t be angry with you, he is your father” Mansa said.

This got more complicated for Adzo. “What the hell was Mansa even talking about? Where does she know her father from to even be referring to him as God” Adzo kept asking herself all these questions.

“Look, tell me where you live, you can come back tomorrow so we talk more” Mansa said.

Adzo nodded and slowly went out of the church room.

Ruby’s mother was still spending time with her village husband and kid. Mr. Abdul went about updating her on his business back at the village.

“So tell me, what about Aziz, what has he been doing also? Ruby’s mother asked.

That question reminded Mr. Abdul something. “You have reminded me, did you know Aziz your son, ran away from the house? He said.

“What? Ruby’s mother shouted out.

She turned around to face Aziz who was busy going through magazines.

“Is that true? Ruby’s mother asked him.

“Yes Mum” He said.

“why should you even do that? Is your father not treating you well? She asked.

“Err Mum” He couldn’t tell her mum what actually led to that incident.

“My dear, he won’t be able to answer you, He ran away from the house after I found out that he was sleeping with one of the maids. He thought I would scorn him.” Mr. Abdul said.

Their cultural only favored the men. The men had an upper hand in everything and for Aziz to have slept with one of the maids meant that he was only growing and had acted like a man. This explains why Ruby’s mother didn’t really take delight in her own daughter Ruby because she was a girl.

At any day or time, Aziz was always his favorite. She wanted him to acquire all the wealth that will make him very powerful than her late husband.

Mr.Abdul knew that the more he reported Aziz to his mother, the more Aziz is likely to also spill the beans out of him having other 3 wives back at the village.

He then chipped in a different matter yet a very intriguing one.

“Anyway how did the drug go? Mr. Abdul asked.

“Emm well as you can see, he is now gone to join our ancestors. but I didn’t know it will even work that quick. I was actually expecting his departure next month” Ruby’s mother said.

“Well at least it has worked and we have all this big house to ourselves now” Mr. Abdul said.

Efe on the other made up her mind that, right after she has taken the money from Fred, she was going to her sister in the village so that they can start a life on their own.

That evening, She was secretly waiting for Fred to come but was to no avail. This kept her thinking all this while.

Fred had already packed to his own apartment and was thinking of how to get back with Ruby. He had actually forgotten about his appointment the following day.

The church was opened and no one seemed to be there. Adzo was still around and noticed everyone had left yet the church doors were opened.  She slowly walked into the church and slept on one of the pews for the rest of the night. That was when she had a strange dream.

That very night, Efe heard a knock on the door, she was actually thinking that, Fred had finally returned. She quickly got out of the room to answer the door. And to her surprise it was Sakina who was one of Mr.Abdul servants. Sakina was actually a blood related sister.

To be continued.

