31ST May Episode 31


“mummy , I don’t feel too good” Tsundra comes into the room,

slouching and holding her stomach ..
“what is wrong ?” Her mother who had been backing her suddenly turns to find her daughter already leaning towards the ground, she runs and catches her before she hits the floor
“Tsundra? ” She touches her body, it was burning hot., she lifts her to the bed, ..
“Veektor? Veektor?” She calls for her husband who was in the other room, he comes inside immediately
“Maryylene, why, what is the matter ?” he comes close to her,seeing their daughter on the bed he frowns, bending and touching her ” What’s wrong with her?Goodness she is burning , does she have a fever ?”
“I do not know. she said she didn’t feel good and before I knew it she collapsed. we should take her to see the doctor ?”
“Yes, let me bring around the cart, we would take her quick Maryylene ” The husband leaves and goes outside, he comes back in, draping a cloth over his daughter he lifts her up..Maryylene covers her shoulder with a cloak and follows him outside ..They enter the cart and head to the clinic.
“she would be fine, she just has a slight fever which would break before dawn, as long as you give her her medicine and let her eat too. she would be fine. Nothing to he scared off ” He tells them
“But… she looks worse than before” Maryylene says
“Yes she does ” Veektor tells him
“Well we have given her some injections , we have been watching her for a couple of hours.. it would break. take her home , watch over her tonight. She would be okay” He says telling the nurse to discharge the child
They put her in the cart and take her home.
Tsundra is startled awake, she winces in pain, as the pain climbed higher and higher , and her skin felt hotter than ever, She begins to scream and scream,
Her mother who had been sleeping beside her jumps up, grabbing her daughter and calling her name..
“Tsundra!!!Tsundra! !!?’
Veektor comes to the side of the bed, her grabs his daughter but she wouldnt stop screaming..
“What is wrong ,what is wrong ?”

Maryylene cries
“it hurts mama, it hurts …mama make it stop it hurts ” Tsundra cries still screaming in pain
“What hurts, what hurts Tsundra? tell mama, tell me so I can help you stop the pain” Her mother gathers her to herself, her tears pouring
“It hurts so bad” she screames louder, her body became so hot that her mother who had been holding her too tight suddenly jumps away from her, even her husband couldn’t touch her ..
“What do we do..what do we do?” His wife is crying and holding unto him; she couldn’t touch her daughter, she couldn’t help her daughter
“let me run back to the clinic and get the doctor , watch her Maryylene, watch her ”
His wife gathers cloths and wraps her up..and because she was so hot,she begins to sweat profusely
“I have administered another drug on her, she should be okay but it’s been an hour already and she wouldn’t stop screaming in pain, or thrashing about with her arms and legs, she wouldn’t stay still, repeatedly screaming that it hurts ” The doctor who had come out of the room tells her parents.
“What do we do doctor ?”
“Nothing. there is nothing I can do other than to keep giving her the drugs, pain killers and maybe sedate her. Whatever is causing her this amount of pain and increased fever is not something we know or can handle. ”
“So we stay her and watch her go through what ever she is going through? she is just eleven years old doctor, what do I do? how do I help her ?”
He is silent. .he too doesn’t know.

“Pray for her. prayer, that is all that is left. ” he says leaving.
“Where are you going to?” Her husband turns seeing his wife get up and walk towards the door

” To see the town priest ,maybe God can save our daughter from this affliction. ” She leaves, Veektor goes into the room,his daughter was struggling to be realised from the bed she was tired to by the Doctor, he had said she needs to be restrained if not she would hurt herself more. Because of the pain she had constantly pulled at her tummy, and because of the hotness she complained that her body felt as though she was being put in boiling water and she wanted to tear her skin off, she already had nail marks on her body that she had scratched ..she had to be tied, hands apart

when he walked into the room and saw her screaming still , small patches of blood on the bed because of the wounds she had given herself, he sinks to his chair and cried…
“God is silent ” The priests who had been praying for the child gets up from his knees , he had been praying for three days now, instead the child had become worse instead of getting better , it was either one of two things..
Either the child was cursed and possessed or that God was away on vacation. but this was certain “God is silent ” he repeats reaching the door and staring back at them
“Father , please don’t leave us,tell us what to do, pray for her some more please , medicine can’t cure her and they too don’t know why she has the increased pain and her fever increasing by the second,so hot that being close to her causes one to sweat and she keeps injuring herself and she has being tied down for three days, hardly eating and screaming nonstop. even her voice has become hoarse from screaming . please father ,pray for her, God would surely answer ” Marylenne pleads
He shakes his head, he was tired. And God, wasn’t saying anything to him, but how could he…He has never spoken to God.. all this was for show but he was tired…and he wanted to get home to a decent meal and bed.
“God is silent My child…Let whatever would be should be. peace unto you” He says with the sign of the cross and leaves, Maryylene wails , her daughter’s screaming suddenly dulls out her voice.
Veektor is by the door watching , he is broken , what is he to do? was he to stay and continue to watch his daughter suffer,?doctors can’t help,the church can’t help. was his daughter dying..was suffering from a mental condition? but the pain,the fever…
He tries to shut out her voice but he couldn’t. .
He had tried everything he knew, put her in cold water, it was no use, given her herbal drinks he bought , it didn’t work, even the doctor’s medicines didn’t nor did prayers? prayers didn’t even scratch the surface.
No he wouldn’t sit down and allow her continue in this pain, he had one option left. .
“Where are you going to?” she calls out, from where she sat …”Are you leaving me with your daughter, are you going away too?”
“No, I am going to look for a solution. watch her Maryylene ” he steps out of the house, enters his cart and makes the long journey.

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“Let me see the child” The man who wore black cloths, with chalk marks on his forehead and arms, skulls and dark emulents around his neck enters into the house with a burning lamb that burned blue flames instead of red says
“Veektor , who..who is this? ” fear grips Marylenne as Veektor ushers him into the room
“he is Ywekla. I had seen him close to the edge of the forest, always praying and chanting. I have heard people who go to him , their problems are solved. so I went there, hoping he can help me and I told him about Tsundra and he says he can help. he says he can heal her”
“But Veektor, he smells, he..is old and disgusting..he is…he looks evil,I don’t want this around my daughter” she blocks the way
“Woman, I was told you have used the white man’s medicine and it didn’t work. you have called on their God that sits in the heavens so they say but he didn’t answer. why not go back to our roots, using the herbs of the earth, the water of the sea and the fire that births within to heal her of her infirmities. I may not look like much but I can help” he says, even his eyes seem hollow deep.
“No” She shakes her head…
Tsundra screaming starts again. she keeps quiet for a few minutes and tries to go to sleep but before long she is thrashing in pain, violently asking for them to make the pain stop.
“Let him help her, we have no other choice ” Veektor says carefully nudging her out of the way.
They watch as he goes to her, chanting as he rubs chalk on her forehead , singing as he pours the hot liquid from the burning lamp on her skin, her screams becoming louder even, Maryylene reaches for him,veektor pulls her back “wait..just wait let us see”
The man dances on his toes, he removed the things around his neck and places on her body.. He speaks to the walls and sprays the white substance in the room.he does this for an hour…Then another hour..and then another hour.
Then he turns to them, shaking his head “She is possessed . she is possessed with something darker than I know. there is no help for her. she will suffer like this for the rest of her life” he says gathering his things
“Possessed? but how?”
“Only the gods know. she can not be cured ..only by fire. she is burnig in hell that is why her body is warm and she is screaming..didn’t the priests tell you that?”
they shake their head “He says God was silent.”
“that is why… Your daughter is far gone. and it is best you keep her tied . Nothing can cure her. Nothing can help her. she is possessed. she is a witch. A bad witch ..meant to kill you and everyone within. let her be tied up or better still..safe yourselves and send her away from here. tied to the forests with chains” he says and leaves quickly…
The parents stare at their daughter…and her mother breaks down while he gathers her in his arms and they sobbed. They couldn’t do what was asked of them.. So they left her there with them…watching her scream and thrash and in pain.

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