Almost Pretty Episode 10


‘I don’t know what to say Kira, I can’t deny it either. But how does that happen? People don’t just fall in love like a flash of lightning’? He asked

‘You’re right, Love is a seed; it’s only when you plant it, that it’ll grow’

‘Okay kid sis, get out of my way now, I am late’ his alarm buzzed.

‘Think about Jane, she looks nice and looks like she could use your help’ Kira waved at him.

‘Whatever’ he winked, he felt better after speaking with his sister.


Her hands shook as she applied the rouge lip wear on her lush lips; the make-up and change of clothes was all new for her but she liked it; she relished it. She wanted to look good, she wanted to be noticed by Ivan.

A shy smile appeared on her lips at the thought of his name. What kind of arrogant person was that? The way he’d spoken to her, it was like a master to his slave.

‘Done’ she smacked her lips and rushed out of the house; she didn’t want to have any more problems with Ivan.

‘Alistair’ she slid into a cab, feeling all confident.

‘You are very pretty ma’m’ the cab driver dished out compliments in a British accent.

‘Thanks’ she crimsoned. She noticed something different about her, people stared at her in a way she never understood. Wale had done it, he had worked his magic on her.

‘Thanks a bunch’ she offered him some dollar notes.

‘Keep it, seeing your pretty face is enough for me’ the young man winked and zoomed off.

‘Whoa, interesting’ she straightened, her new look not only gained her attention but free rides.

‘What the hell happened’? Pod’s mouth widened as Jane approached.

‘I did tell you she was a hottie’ Wale waved at her as she passed their cubicle.

‘Will be back for ya’ she blew him a kiss and hurried to meet her boss.

‘D–n Wale, you got a hand of gold’ Pod couldn’t tear his eyes off of her.

‘Thanks, man, I just wanted to be on her good side’ Wale replied.

‘Now, I have a feeling Ivan would want to f–k her’ Pod fingered his chin.

‘Just like he did Samantha’ Vince replied with a sad voice.

He’d been facing his window as usual when he spotted her alighting from the cab. He’d loosened his tie to take in this new Jane Atkins; he wondered how long he would last having such a beautiful woman in his office?

Then he’d caught her blowing Wale a kiss; a slight ache filled his chest, he felt jealous.

‘Good morning sir’ Jane stepped into the office gingerly.

‘You’re late’ Ivan replied curtly and turned to face her.

He took in her Pencil skirt and silky Blue top which suited her to a second skin. Her hips was lean and her legs were full; Jane’s lips shone a bright red, he felt like kissing her.

‘Late’? She checked her wristwatch in shock, she realized she was three minutes late.

‘I am sorry sir’ she bowed her head.

‘Here’s a list of what I want you to do for me, good luck’ he handed her a piece of paper and stormed out of the office.

‘Alright’ she accepted it, her heart fell, Ivan wasn’t moved by her looks, she could see it in his eyes; how stupid she was, a man like Henry must have had numerous girlfriends, why would he want a newbie like her.


He’d purposely walked out of the office; being around her had an effect on him and he needed to focus. He was drawn to her on a different kind of level, not the type that led to steamy sheets, no; this feeling was alien to him.

All he yearned for was her admiration for him; he remembered the way she had gaped at him the first time, he had felt irritated now, but he’d do anything to have her look at him that way.

‘Way to go brother mine, why did you leave without us’? Kira’s sharp voice broke into his thoughts.

‘I told you why’ he replied.

‘Where’s Ryan’? Henry asked.

‘Flu’ Kira raised a hand.

‘So what are you up to’? Kira joined him for a walk.

‘Nothing, meeting’s over, maybe I should return home’ Ivan suggested.

‘Return home? By this time? Are you kidding’? She raised a brow; she knew how much of a workaholic her brother was.

‘Yes,’ he nodded as he saw her stepping out of the office.

‘Wait, is that ’? Lisa’s eyes widened.

‘The very same’ Ivan offered with a nod.

‘Oh, you like her! That’s why you’re running because you like her’ Kira slapped him on the shoulder.

‘I don’t hate people’ a coy smile formed on his sensuous lips; once again, his sister had read his thoughts.

‘So what are you gonna do? Please don’t sleep with her and sack her after’ She begged.

‘I wouldn’t, I can’t do that to her, I feel different for her’ he grimaced.

‘Then let’s plan, ask her out’ Kira said.

‘She has a boyfriend, that security guard guy, I saw her kiss him this morning’ he felt jealous.

‘Wait, Wale, are you sure she kissed Wale’? Kira held a laugh, unlike her brother she had the time for office gossips.

‘Yes, what’s funny’? He saw the look on her face.

‘I think Jane likes you’ she replied.

‘Good. So ask her out or I could help you do it. Seems you’re shy’ she rolled her eyes.

‘No! I’ll do it myself. I have a plan’ his eyes twinkled mischievously.


She didn’t enjoy being in his huge office alone; she checked the list he’d given to her and realized she had fulfilled all of his requirements.

He’d not taken a second glance at her, he was one of the reasons she had taken time to dress up but he didn’t give a d–n about her.

‘You’ve been such a fool’ she fetched her mirror and gazed at herself.

She was bored, Wale wasn’t at his station so she was stuck here; she got curious and moved to where he usually stood, by the window.

‘Wow’ she breathed in awe, the view was scintillating.

Suddenly the door bust wide open and she felt like sinking into the ground, she froze where she stood. Surely he wouldn’t approve of her standing by the window.

‘Welcome sir’ she swallowed hard, expecting him to yell or call her more names.

‘Afternoon, come and have some’ he handed her a bag.

‘Thanks’ she blushed. How could he guess she was a sweet tooth? He’d bought her doughnuts.

‘Welcome’ he settled into his chair and watched her closely; he hoped he was doing the right thing.

to be continued