The Runaway Bride Episode 25 Final


Tokunbo and his wife walked into his
parents’ house and could not but notice the
silence and the tension in the house.
“Dad, I know it must be hard for you, but if
you can just lets all talk about this. I don’t
know any other father at this time of my life,
neither am I interested in another father.
Mum, if you have anything to say, now is the
right time”
“And you are always my son, even if the DNA
says otherwise, who would be my son at this
age, I leave all to God” he turned to his wife,
who is sitting at the corner of the room far
from everyone else.
“Sola, the man who raped Chinwe’s friend, do
you know him?”
“Yes, I have met him once, when he was
about 17 years”
“Where does he live?”
“I don’t know, but his father is my brother’s
friend, I could ask him where the father lives,
we can ask him when I see him”
“Can you do that today?”
They waited as she placed a call to her
brother, who wanted to know if everything
was fine. She asked him where they could
find Ade and she listened and jotted some
things down before thanking him and ending
the call.
She passed the address note to Tokunbo, who
looked at the paper and passed it to her
“Chinwe, arrange for your friend to come to
Lagos tomorrow, we have to see this man, I
promised her this”
When Chinwe called Clara, she said she would
not be able to come and would prefer not to
see him but gave her blessings for them to go
ahead. she apologized non stop how her own
problem had come to exhume so many things
they would have loved to remain buried.
Chinwe agreed with her and relayed the
message to her father-in- law who asked them
all to be around the following day to go and
visit the man. They ended up passing the
night with her in-laws, trying as much as
possible to reduce the tension in the house.
When morning came, they set out in a single
vehicle as they drove to the address they got
from the night before.
They needed to ask some passersby before
they were directed to a street that would pass
for a ghetto. In the early hours of the
morning, the streets were empty, but the
stench of hemp, cigarette and alcohol
permeates the air. As they arrived at the
house that has the number they were looking
for, they were surprised to see a police
vehicle parked in front of the house. Before
they could even park their own car well, a
couple of the uniformed men pulled out a
young man from the house; he was struggling
with them and was threatening at the top of
his voice to have them dealt with if he
happens to be free. His only clothing was a
pair of shorts hanging loosely around his
The face looked exactly like Tokunbo’s no
doubt, but the lips appear darker from years
of smoking. The height is the same as
Tokunbo’s too but he looks leaner with his
skin looking stressed and slightly bleached,
leaving his knuckles black. The tattoos on his
Chest and arms too look like something done
by an amateur; they would be covered totally
if he was wearing a cloth though.
As the pulled him and shoved him to the
ground, they all caught the face of the man
and were all shocked at the sheer
resemblance between him and Tokunbo. Even
Tokunbo could not believe his eyes, he drew
his face closer to the window of the car as he
watched him still struggling with the police,
who within seconds pounced on him and his
face started oozing blood form the nose, side
of his eyes and from the birthmark on his
An older version of the young man came out
of the house, barely able to speak above the
noise and screams from the young man now
writhing in pain on the dirty street ground
“Baba, don’t worry. Sorry for this, but this
man has been identified as one of the boys
that robbed Alhaja’s house and raped one of
her girls. We have been looking for him for
days now and when we heard he came here
to sleep today, we also decided to come this
early to nab him. This is not his first time, all
his gang members have been caught and they
all have cooperated. Come to Area F, you can
come with a lawyer if you like. ”
They pulled him up not too gently and shoved
him into the car and they drove off, with him
shouting on top of his lungs “”ahhh, help o,
“Turn the car around Tokunbo, I guess we
already found who we are looking for, and
with the look of things, nemesis caught up
with him. Nothing can be hidden forever;
time would unfold it, when the time is right”
Tola Ajayi served his wife the divorce papers
some weeks later
Joseph and Clara sent their wedding IVs.
Davies and his sister were able to convince
their parents that having an extra year in
school is not the worst thing that could
happen, he found a sweet lady in his class
and things looked good between them, he also
had a repair section in Joe’s café and business
is booming.
Mrs Babalola also filed a divorce against her
husband on the charges of battering, at the
court hearing, she revealed she lost a
pregnancy due to a severe beating she had
during the pregnancy, her doctor was there to
Chief Babalola withdrew from running that
year, after the story of his wife got to the
Nkem opened a photo shop beside his sister’s
office, they see every day and business was
going slow but promising.
Chris might be getting married soon too; he
brought a girl over for dinner over the
Chinwe might be pregnant but she kept
telling Tokunbo she just missed her period
because of stress and she might not be eating
too much because her body wanted to shed
some weight. Well, Dr. Kunbi would be seeing
them tomorrow before work.

The End