Eli looked at the pretty little baby she carried as tears flowed freely down her face, it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen and yet, she wasn’t sure it was an experience she’d want to ever have again.

She had gone through unimaginable pain to have the baby, at a point, she felt her whole being was being split into two halves, the fear of not delivering in a hospital had scared her more but the midwife was amazing.

Everyone had come into the room to look at the new mother and child, even her grandma had come over to carry the child, the twinkle in her eyes showed she was happy over the new addition to the family.

Eli kept crying and that made her grandmother and auntie laugh at her. Out of this experience, Eli had realized she had truly underestimated God, for who else could put a whole baby in her tiny belly.

And she was now a mother, her little one was going to call her mother and she was never going to get tired of it. Everyone left the room on the order of the grandmother. She said the new mother had to rest.

After everyone left, Eli closed her eyes and tried to sleep, she drifted off for a while and opened her eyes because she heard a knock on the door, Kwesi was standing there staring at her.

“How could you do this, why didn’t you tell me?”

He looked furious though he looked as handsome as always.

“I was trying to, the last time I came to see you, but you wouldn’t listen”.

“I’m sorry baby, I’m really sorry, I should have”.

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She looked at him and smiled; she loved him and couldn’t stay mad at him for long.

“It’s okay, it was my fault too, but how did you find out?” He smiled again

“your mom somehow figured out I was the baby daddy so she told me”.

He leaned in and kissed her. Damn, those lips, she had missed him terribly, and everything was fine, finally, they were going to be together.

“Honey, there’s something I want you to know”. She sat up and looked at him; she had sensed something wrong from his voice.

“Tell me, what is it?” He looked at her for a while, looked away and back at her

“Your mom and I talked, according to her, you wouldn’t be coming to the city for a long time, you may comeback in about ten years so I’ll be taking my daughter with me”.

Eli looked at Kwesi in shock and anger. She couldn’t say a word; she just looked at him, the look on his face when he had said that.

“What the hell are you talking about; no one is ever going to take my child away from me”.

Kwesi rose and looked at the baby. “Your mom and I have already spoken about it, we have agreed, there’s no way my baby is going to be raised in this village, I’m never going to allow it”. He carried the baby from her side and walked backwards. Eli tried to rise but she couldn’t. It was as if she was tied to the bed by her pain.

“Kwesi, please don’t do this to me, please don’t take her away, please, and there’s no way I’m going to stay here for ten years, please, I beg you”. He looked at her and smiled.

“Well, that’s your punishment for what you did to me”.

He turned and walked to the door. “Kwesi, please don’t take my baby”. She jumped from the bed only to realize it was a dream. She turned and saw her mom sitting at the foot of the bed.

“Eli, did you say Kwesi?” Eli froze as she looked at her mom, she was in deep trouble.

What happens in Episode 7? find out soon