The Best Thing I Can Do To Bless My Husband


As wives, I imagine we all desire to be a blessing to our husbands, to encourage and support them. I have studied his love language in an attempt to bless my husband, and that always ministers to him. Sometimes, though, I feel I fall short in being a blessing with all that there is to do each day.
I’m sure your home is often as busy and chaotic as ours. As a wife, there are so many things I try to do to bless my husband – laundry, running errands, cooking favorite meals, spending time talking together. These are all good things, but after 15 years of marriage, I have come to realize the one thing that is the best thing I can do to bless my husband.
It may seem simple to you. It might not even seem like a very big deal, but it really is!
The best thing I can do to bless my husband is *to pray.*
We’ve been married for almost 16 years, and those years have not been free of struggle. Some years it was finances, other years it was the stress of moving, and there were the first few years of parenting a child with special needs.
All of those affected my husband (and me) very deeply.
Being in the trenches with him, I wasn’t always quite sure how to help. God kept bringing me back to just one word, though: pray.
Here is what I learned, all over again… 
*– _PRAY FOR HIM_ – *
God often tugs at my heart to pray for my husband.
Sometimes it is for work situations, other times it may be for areas of his life where I know he is struggling. Sometimes God has prompted me to pray for his role as a husband and father.
I try to be purposeful in my times of prayer for my husband. I ask him what needs I can pray for. I inquire about his work schedule and any meetings he has.
I try to be sure to let him know that I’m praying for him. Sometimes it’s by way of a note in his lunchbox, other times a text message or an email. When he comes home in the evenings, I try to be intentional in letting him know I prayed for him that day.
It isn’t always easy, but the habit of praying for him has grown into such a special love for him. I have such precious conversations with my heavenly Father about my very best friend and God uses those to grow roots of love that I need.
*– _PRAY WITH HIM_ – *
We have always prayed together as a couple. We pray at meals, before we go to sleep, and often at other times as we’ve had need. I wouldn’t say, though, that praying together is something that has been the strongest part of our marriage.
When you pray with a person, there is a level of intimacy that you share – whether with a friend, a loved one, or a spouse. You are coming together to ask of the Father, and He promises to meet you.
For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.
Matthew 18:20
Our marriage has gone through another season of struggles recently, and praying together has been very difficult for me. God keeps nudging me to pray with my husband. Those roots of love that grow as I pray for my husband are the ones that hold strong in helping me pray with my husband.
When I try to encourage my husband and bless him with actions in my own strength, some good things do happen. He certainly appreciates clean clothes, a warm meal, thoughtful words.
But when I pray for my husband, I’m calling on God’s power to speak into my husband’s life, to encourage him, to minister to him in ways that I am not able to. I’m asking God to step in and be the friend, the encourager, the counselor that I cannot do in my human strength.
Have you prayed for your husband today? Can I challenge you to pray with your husband today? Ask what specific requests he may have, inquire about needs related to his job. Let him know you’ll be praying for him, but then take a moment to pray with him. I promise it will be a blessing to you both!