Previously On My Personal Life Experience
‘guys i think kwaku has gone for ‘for girls’ what on earth will make such a beautiful and rich girl like Nana Yaa fall for our dude’?
‘kwaku, this rich girl will one day dump u and go for someone that suit her status’.
I made them understand that true love is not about status, class, money, sex or anything but its just about understanding each other.
They mocked and called me names ‘Mr love doctor
‘my friends want me to forget about you because they think i am not your class’.
I took my mum to their home and thank them for such generosity
‘your son is now my son and he is now part of the family.
Nana Yaa wasn’t shy of my mum because I have introduced her and they have met on several occasions, especially at my house.
Nana Yaa’s dad told me he has heard a lot about me from her daughter. According to him i should study hard because he will help me with my education.
According to him his wife has confirmed that i am a good boy and that I should keep it up….. This gave me more enthusiasm to study even harder….
Well well well, Nana Yaa’s dad is now in the picture and a very nice man. Will he do like he said?
During my final year in school, Nana Yaa’s parent really helped me in terms of finances. They did everything possible to make sure i came out with flying colours.
God being so good, school was finally over, i mean high school and i was free. Nana Yaa was in form two and was doing very great. One day, i received a letter from Nana Yaa’s school mother.
In the letter she made it known to me that Nana Yaa really adores me. The mere mention of my name brings laughter to her face. She also stated that she sometimes become envious of Nana Yaa when she is talking about me.
According to her she personally told Nana Yaa that she should be careful because she herself will snatch me from her and they laughed.
She also gave me a strong warning in the letter that i shouldn’t try at all breaking her school daughter’s heart or else she will personally skin me alive.
I was really flattered. I replied the letter in person by giving my baby a surprised visit during their visiting hours.
When I got to the school, parents, guardians, friends and loved ones were all over the campus visiting their wards.
Nana Yaa’s parents don’t often visit because of the good house mistress she got. I went to the house mistress and told her i wanted to see Nana Yaa.
She immediately sent one of the students to fetch her. I was made to wait at the hall where everybody was attending to their wards. Nana Yaa screamed with excitement when she saw me.
Everybody turned to her direction and she felt shy. She told me to give her some minutes and rushed out, some minutes later she rushed in with about fifteen girls she introduced them as her dorm mates. Everyone of them wanted to ask me a question.
We talked about ‘ME’. I was the central point of discussion. Her school mum was part of them. I told her i was touched by the letter she wrote to me. I promised her i will be the best of guy to her daughter.
They asked me a lot of questions about me but i didnt say much. I saw in their eyes the crave to have a guy like me.
They excused themselves and i had a little time with my sweetheart. When visiting hours was over i gave her a few items and bid them goodbye. I kissed her before i left the school.
I started working some months after completing school even though Nana Yaa’s mother didnt want me to. It was a good job with a good pay. A friend of mine introduced me to the manager and he employed me after interviewing me.
When i started working, the job took all of my time that i hardly had time for my sweetheart. I ignored her letters and told myself i will explain things to her when she comes home on vacation.
I was in the house one Saturday when Nana Yaa’s number called. It was then that i realized schools were on vacation. It was her mum who called. She inquired about my health and that of my mum.
I told her we were all fine. She told me her daughter is on vacation. She went on by asking me why I have not called her. I lied to her i wanted to give her a surprised visit.
After the call i realized how bad i’ve been. I dressed up immediately and went to the Konadu’s residence. When the gate man opened the main entrance, i made my way straight to Nana Yaa’s room.
My heart broke at the scene I saw in the room.
HMMMMM Im even in tears now….
Watch out for episode 7… The next episode is full of heart breaks…. WATCH OUT!!! And Hold your tears for now.