Mr Perfect Season 2 Episode 104


​Today being thursday we had our final exam, as everyone walked out of their various hall, some looked happy others were abit moody but i guess in the end everyone gets to smile because everyone loves vacations i thought as i grinned when sophia called me from behind.
Sophia: lucas wait up she yelled smiling as she hopped to where i stood.
Me: you look so happy going on vacation, looks likes you’ve got alot on your mind already i said smiling.
Sophia: hahah swear you ar not.
Me: you cant possibly imagine, am leaving tomorrow i said with a smile as we walked to the cafe.
Sophia: seriously thats really quick!! She said raising her hands a bit.
Me: what about you??
Sophia: uhmmm havent thought about that yet, she said as we walked into the cafe, got our lunch from the counter and walked to a sit.
Me: you know what, have got an idea i said smiling.
Sophia: say it she said eating her food.
Me: i think uhmmm its time to meet your other family too, you know what i mean, i really dont think it should be a secret.
Sophia: she stared at me abit, uhmm sure thats a good idea??
Me: trust me there isnt no better idea, i really think its neccessary you know.
Sophia: and how would your mum see that? Sorry our mum.
Me: we can talk to her about it and then you can come over with me tomorrow.
Sophia: we’d have to talk to her about it.
Me: exhaling ok, i really miss home food, i cant wait to be home.
Sophia: where exactly do you intend going??
Me: dad’s house i said smiling.
Sophia: uhmm mum doesnt seem to like him, sure shes gonna let you.
Me: hahaha sure she will.
Sophia: well my dad will be pretty busy i think i’ll have to travel in grand dad’s private jet she said smiling.
Me: ahaaa….not so fast girl, i should be the one trying that out first!!
Sophia: you’d be busy with your dad right, so i’d get to be the first she said smiling.
Me: if you wanna fly you know just where to do so i said grinning.
Sophia: speaking of flying, you’ve never travelled in a plane before right?
Me: nope i havent.
Sophia: trust me if you know what its like to fly up there you’d gladly let me go with the jet.
Me: hahhaha i know that trick but it wont work on me #tongues out.
Sophia: am not trying to scare you but i flew a plane for the first time when i was 8 and trust me i screamed alot.
Me: well you aint talking to a 8yrs old kid you know.
Sophia: you are obviously not, dont just come crying to me when you become plane sick, so sick like your gonna need a paper bag to throw up. she said with a smirk.
Me: eeeww alright alright its not like we’ve seen the jet anyway, you can take it if you like but on one condition??
Sophia: which is?
Me: i’ll tell you when i figure out something difficult i said grinning.
Sophia: lucas!!! Just then dera walked to our table holding her lunch.
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Dera: can i join you guys she asked smiling.
Sophia: sure, so now that your done with exams how’s your vacation gonna be like.
Dera: fun she said smiling abit and yourz?
Sophia: i will be traveling, to alot of places of course she said smiling.
Dera: and you lucas??
Me: uhmmm just gonna go home.
Sophia: leo is coming to meet me here, i wouldnt want him to uhmmm…………… she said smiling as she stood up and walked to the door when she ran into leo at the entrance, they hugged and walked away.
Dera and i was left alone, i took my gaze back to my food, as we both ate in silence.
Dera: uhmm lucas am gonna miss you she said softly.
Me: i just stared at her without saying a word.
Dera: i know you are still mad at me or perhaps scared but….
Me: i just dont know what to think anymore dera and i dont wanna nag about it either, i said cutting in.
Dera: nodding i get it lucas, everything else can be a lie, but my love for you is true, i dont ever want you to think of it as lies, she said looking at me with lots of sparkles in her eyes.
Me: you said that alot in the past.
Dera: the difference is, it increased a whole lot lucas.
Me: hmmm i felt the urge to smile, things are alot different now i said as i felt my heart ache as a result of what i was gonna say to her, its all a mistake dera, i should never have walked into your room that day, and seeing you cry now i wished i walked away minding my business. I think its best to keep away from you dera. I said with a lot of emotions.
Dera: she stared at me with a shocked expression, no…. no luke you are not breaking up with me are you?? She said with an alarmed look.
To be continued