Matters of the Heart chapter two (2)




The feeling where everything feels right, where you don’t have to be worried about tomorrow or yesterday, where you feel safe and know you are doing the best you can, is called “LOVE”… This is all what every person yearn for in life. That is to say everybody loved to be love.

In our quest to find one person we can share our deepest inner and hidden truth with, we sometimes stumble and fall, shake and tremble, do deep centered research and becomes much meticulous in our dealings. Have you ever thought of what pushes a person to say I love you to the other among others? It is all about that usual feeling called love.

At the age of twenty, I started my findings of dating a special and awesome lady and I decided to date her as long as I can because I believe in long term relationship and I also didn’t want to repeat a history. I met one lady who was very caring and dear to me at that age. Only God knows why we broke up. But as far as I know, we were not meant to be together that is why we broke up.

Just after a year I broke up with her, I met one adorable and charming lady who till date is very special to my heart of whom I showed interest but she never gave me chance to go out with her though she had that feeling of love for me but due to various challenges she couldn’t make it up to me. Pathetic right!!? hmm… If you have never been tossed by a lady, never say that Ladies are not powerful. 

After some few months , I saw this graceful and pretty queen. I really loved her and even till now that we are no more, I still feel and love her. I never believe love at first sight until I met her. She pulled me to herself the first time I saw her and that made me to propose to her without doing my normal background research. It is quite unfortunate that this one lasted for only three months and seventeen days. This breakup really strike my heart and made me to feel rejected and been aware that when it comes to matters of Love, Akwasi is unlucky.

Quite pathetic those experience and moments have been. I have learnt a lot and the first lesson is that when it comes to matters of Love I am unlucky. Second is that one must be patient when it comes to matters of love. Also communication is key to every relationship. The other is that one must trust his partner no matter what happens. The best advise is found in the Song of Solomon 3:5. The last lesson is that without God no can Love because God is Love.

This is a true life story about me. You may laugh at me, help me cry and better still feel my pain but I hope and believe in God that this Love story have and will speak volumes of sense to you.

You may also be wondering what next for me now, from this learning experience. I will want to assure you that I will have to spend time to assess myself perfectly for quite some number of years before I get myself in another relationship which I believe will end up in marriage one day. I am thou single and free.

Sharing is caring, sharing is LOVE. I maybe sharing with you what I have now even the little I have but never think I am in for you. It is all about my love for you.

Thanks for reading and following me here. My prayer for you is that may you find true Love and may you enjoy it. Have the splendor_DSC4582 of this day. God be with you.

Akwasi Boakye,

Delicious de Diplomat.