“Mansa” season 2 episode 6

“what? this can’t be. The Doctor said with amazement.
“Doc, I’m feeling very well. It’s as if nothing had happened to me” Mansa said
Kuu jumped into her and hugged her so tight.
“Aww Kuu, I miss you so much” Mansa said.
“Mansa, please forgive me, forgive me please” Kuu kept on saying.
“What are you saying Kuu? What have you done that you need forgiveness” Mansa asked.
Mrs Amposah just stood there. She was completely lost of words. It was like a dream to her.
“Doc, kindly run some test on her to be sure she’s really alright. Who knows? “Mrs Amposah said.
“She looks fine to me but i will surely do that. Its amazing. Her spinal cord was totally damaged. This is really a miracle. Mansa kindly follow me, I need to run some test on you” the doctor said and went into the ward with her.
Mrs Amposah was left with Kuu at the OPD. She was still speechless, completely speechless.
Kuu noticed that his mum was not in a happy mood.
” Mum, you seem not be happy about Mansa’s condition? Kuu asked her.
” Look, there are a lot of things on my mind now so don’t start. In fact, don’t!” Mrs Amposah said.
“Oh yeah, i see that Mum. A lot of things on your mind that you even forgot to visit your own son when he was arrested”, Kuu told her.
“How dare you talk to me like that? I thought i told you that i was getting ready to come there” Mrs Amposah said angrily.
Meanwhile Chris was on his way to see Asabea. He knew that if he didn’t do something about it, she will end up doing something worse that he may probably not be able to handle.
He got to her place, knocked the door severally until she finally opened.
She was very surprised to see him there.
“So you finally decided to show up” said Asabea.
“Can you please let me enter so we talk” Chris pleaded with her.
“I see. I never knew you could be this sober. You may come in” Asabea said and left him behind the door.
Chris followed up to her room and sat on the nearest sofa he could find.
It was his plan to manipulate Asabea into siding with him, then eventually he will pay her off.
” Yes, what brings you here? I don’t have much time on my side” Asabea said.
Chris stood up from his chair and went straight to where she was sitting and knelt down before her.
Asabea had never seen that side of Chris before. Somehow his actions touched him but she was determined to remain difficult.
Anytime she thinks of what Chris had done to her, she gets filled up with hatred and anger.
“Asabea, I’m really sorry about what ever is going on. I know what i have done to your health and life but give me the chance to take care of you” Chris begged her.
” Its amazing how Chris will beg for my forgiveness. I suppose you are doing this because of Mansa’s condition” Asabea said.
“What has Mansa got to do with this? Chris asked.
From the way Asabea spoke, it was obvious that she had something to do with that food poisoning. Chris however didn’t know but knew that she was up to something.
“Oh so that girl still survived. How interesting? I see” Asabea said.
“Survived what? What are you talking about? Chris asked with anxiety.
“Anyway, how then do you intend to care for me when you can’t erase that deadly sickness you have given me” Asabea said.
“Just ask for anything and it will be granted. Just ask me. ” Chris proposed.
Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Kuu was with his mother waiting on the doctor.
Mrs Amposah had a phone call so excused herself from where Kuu was sitting.
On Phone…..
Caller: “Mrs Amposah, i have been waiting for you for so long and up till now, you are still not here.”
Mrs. Amposah: “I’m at the hospital. look, it seems Mansa is back on her feet. She was looking very healthy when i got here”
Caller: “Are you sure about this?”
Mrs Amposah: ” You can come and see for yourself.”
Caller: “Mrs Amposah, that does not change anything. You still need to pay me for what i did.”
Mrs Amposah: “Look girl, as far as I’m concerned, things are not going as planned. You need to hold on with the payment.”
Caller: ” No no, that was not the agreement. I need my money now or i will blow you out.”
Mrs Amposah got very angry with the statement from the caller.
Mrs Amposah: ” Are you threatening me? You must be out of your mind. Don’t forget your place.”
Caller: “Mrs Amposah, I’m not joking. You can call it a threat or whatever, i need my money within the next 48hours.”
The caller said and hanged up on Mrs Amposah.
“I can’t believe it. Look at this one too, threatening me.” Mrs Amposah said and went back into the hospital.
Fortunately, as soon as she got to the OPD, the doctor was coming back from the ward with Mansa.
Mansa’s face was covered with smiles as she was coming back with the doctor.
“Mrs Amposah, this is really a miracle. Nothing seems to be wrong with Mansa now apart from the miscarriage she had. However, I can’t confirm as some of the result are not yet in” the doctor said.
“Doc, so can i please go home now” Mansa asked.
“No, you must stay till all least the results are in” Mrs Amposah said.
“Well honestly, i don’t think there will be a problem with that. I don’t know why i should keep her. She is fine and free to go home” the doctor declared and left them to his office.
Mrs Amposah was so not happy about it.
“Where is Obed? Mansa asked.
“I’m looking for him as well. Ever since he came to the police station to see to my bail, I have not set my eyes on him” Kuu said.
” Are you saying Obed was behind your release?” Mrs Amposah asked.
“What’s going on here? Kuu, were you arrested? Mansa asked.
“Don’t worry, there is a lot to talk about when we get home” Kuu said.
“Alright, if you say so but i think i know where to find him. He gave me an address this morning. I think he might be there, you guys should take the lead, I will be back with him to the house” Mansa said
“Fair enough, Kuu lets get going” Mrs Amposah said and left with Kuu to their house.
Mansa boarded a cab and gave the address to the cab driver since she didn’t really know the place.
Soon she arrived at the place. It was a huge building made up of various offices.
Mansa thought she was at the wrong place but the only way she could find out was to rectify if the address was indeed were she was currently.
She entered the building which seem to be a very busy place with all caliber of people walking up and down dressed in cooperate out fit.
She went straight to the front desk, gave the address to the the lady at the front desk. The lady looked at the card and made a phone call.
Receptionist: “Hello, someone is here to you see you”
Unknown person: “Who is that?
The receptionist asked of Mansa’s name and she answered accordingly
Receptionist: “she is Mansa ”
Unknown: “Let her come in.”
The receptionist hanged up and directed Mansa to the office.
All along she taught she was going to meet Obed. When she got to the office, she knocked and entered.
To her surprise, it was an elderly yet elegant worthy woman who was busily working on some documents.
“Good day madam” Mansa greeted.
“Yes, how may I help you? ” the woman asked.
“My name is Mansa, I’m actually after Obed. He gave me this address to come here,” Mansa said.
The woman immediately stopped what she was doing and looked at Mansa’s face carefully.
“Excuse me, what did you say your name is? she asked again
“Mansa, Madam” Mansa answered.
“…and Obed gave you my address” she asked.
“Yes Madam,” Mansa said.
The woman quickly stood up from her chair, went straight to Mansa and embraced her with tears in her eyes.
“Oh my God, you have finally brought my daughter to me,” The Woman said embracing Mansa so tight with tears in her eyes.
To be continued


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