Please don’t make a *woman* cry because there is nothing more *expensive* than  a *lady’s tears*.
When a single drop comes out, it first
mixes with ‘Loreal’ eyeliner (GhC 180), and
‘Dior’ mascara (GhC 145).
Then when it rolls down the cheek it
mixes with ‘D&G’ blusher (GhC 250), and
Mac powder (GhC 75). Finally when it
touches the lips it gets mixed with Mac
lipstick (GhC 40), and Xtian Dior lipgloss
(GhC 29).
This means that a single drop of a lady’s tear is ruining about *GhC 720!*
Please don’t make them cry…
Feel free to make a *guy* cry, its cocoa butter *(GH 4)*