It is as important to take care of your hair as you take care of your body. The best method is to keep good care by following some safety measures:
Most of the times try to protect your hair from rains, but that’s something impossible as we get caught in rains at least once in a while. As you reach home wash your hair with mild shampoos and let it dry. Always apply shampoos in a gentle manner and do not forget to use a conditioner in this season after every wash. At night times, massage your hair with warm coconut oil and comb your hair for the even distribution of oil on your scalp and hair. You can also try applying warm oil mixed with curry leaves for your hair to remain thick and black. Usually in this season you invite itchy scalp because of dandruff or some other reasons. For such irritating scalp applying neem oil is the best remedy. Replacing herbal products in place of heavy organic shampoos and conditioners to maintain the natural glossy look of the hair would be best suggestible. Hair coloring is not a good idea in this season as it takes very long to wash your hair and dry. Keep it as natural as possible. Beer is a good conditioner. Initially wash your hair with beer and after few minutes wash it off with cold water. This tip helps your hair in adding glow to your hair. Use of hair dryers though necessary it is better suggested if you limit its usage. Instead opt for dry towels to remove moist from your hair.
Till the end of this season it is better suggested to keep your hair as simple as possible and avoid elaborate hairstyles. Nothing can beat the natural beauty.
Keep slaying Pobs-Ladies!!!!❤
Source:The Fit Indian