Well known Lagos-based Psychologist and Relationship advisor, Joro Olumofin, has taken to his Instagram to share an intriguing piece. It’s an absolute necessity read for single folks and angels.
This Journal Encompasses:
1. Definition Of an Overachieved Single Lady
2. The Irony Of Men in their Life
3. Their struggle
4. Recommendation
1. Who is an Overachieved Single Lady
Any lady who is “age” ready for marriage, earns more than enough money to take care of herself and can also afford luxury, owns a very lucrative business or franchise. These ladies are usually between ages 29-35. They have masters degrees, some have Phd., 6-15 years Working experience.
They are the masters in their respective fields. Because of their single status, their one true love is success and prominence. Success doesn’t break hearts, Success is not a Fuckboy, success makes them feel whole and complete. So they love and nurture the success.
2. The Irony of men in their life
The irony is tricky and hilarious. We men complain that ladies are materialistic and only take from us without giving back but when we meet a lady who is successful and independent we get intimidated, our Ego or Manhood is challenged and we act in ways these ladies don’t understand.
Men react to Overachieved ladies in 3 major ways (1) The deflated Ego (inferiority Complex) (2) The “Mr I don’t need your money” (Aggressive) and (3) Mr “Epp” me (Extortionist).
The Deflated Ego: When some men encounter a lady who drives a better car than their car, lives in a better area, earns more money than he does. He feels so intimidated that he runs away. He goes into a shell. His Ego is deflated, he believes what can I offer her that will make her respect me like a man. She is too manly for me. I need someone who will fear and respect me.
“Mr I don’t need your money”: These type of men demand respect, they are usually over aggressive and are always out to prove a point that they are not intimidated by the lady’s money or success. Some of these men result in physical violence to gain dominance and respect from Overachieved women. If you have more money, I have more muscle than you and I will beat you so you will fear and respect me.
Mr “Epp” me: Overachieved Ladies, beware of these guys. From the moment he sees you, he has seen Central Bank Plc, ATM card, Water Dispenser, puff puff, Coke and Fanta. He sees you as his treasure, he will manipulate you until you cut everyone who will give you tangible advise off. He doesn’t have a job, but always has a big master plan which he needs you to fund for him. He will suck you until there’s nothing left. Most times guys like this Use Overachieved ladies as a stepping stone to meet their main love.
3. The Struggles of an Overachieved Lady
-Most Overachieved ladies are between ages 29-38. Most men between 29-38 are either married, committed by Baby Mama or Engagement to another woman or have a baggage most women can’t even burden. So where do Overachieved ladies find love?
-Because of their success, they appear too manly and too confident which is sometimes a turnoff to men. Should they pretend to be timid to get a man?
-3 out of 5 men are interested in their money or ATM cards so how do they know who is who? (4) Some Overachieved ladies have lived by themselves for so long and they have been independent for too long so things like washing plates, washing boxes, cleaning shoe is an abomination to them. Do they compromise?
4. Recommendation
With patience, time and alot of compromise Love will come, but don’t ever buy love or let your relationship be about money. Once you give a man power over your finances you can’t take it back. At that moment you just adopted a child who’s your boyfriend. You will feed him and nurture him forever.
Credit: veenaija.com