Death Sentence 


A Case of a Woman who Killed Her Husband.
LAWYER: Now woman, tell us exactly what happened, resulting in you killing your own husband.
WOMAN: Hmmm my Lord, Lawyer, on that fateful day, I was watching T.V. in the sitting room when my husband came back from town. He rushed me and dragged me unto the bed in the bedroom. He then laid on top of me and started romancing me: fondling my breast and sucking my nipples,stroking my clitoris n ‘V’ part whilst kissing me strongly.
LAWYER: (Clears  his throat strongly.) Yees, continue.
WOMAN: Hmmm, he then held my legs and opened them wide apart. At this point, I was so wet and ready for sex. But before I realized he got off me and then shouted…..
BOTH LAWYER AND JUDGE: Whaaaaaattt!!!…
That fool deserves to die…Noooonsense