Belina(Tender Beauty) Episode 14


I strolled out with Prisca in d evening. Though Prisca’s parents pamper a lot, they were also disciplinarians & did not even condone laziness. That is d reason why they did not employ any house help. I walked beside Prisca & I noticed that she had been silent for most of d evening.

“What’s up Prisca?” I asked. She sighed,

“u don’t know how happy I am to have u here with me. It had been really tough living alone with my parents without any young person to chat with. Sometimes I feel older than I actually am” I laughed heartily,

“cmon now,ur parents are not old, I am very sure they both still turn heads”, I said winking honestly.

“so,u know about the turning of heads abi? Who taught u” she asked mischievously.

“Abeg leave me joor, u have started”, I said trying to avoid d place I knew she was headed

“u should join d convent baby girl, only that u are not a saint” she said. I stopped & placed my hands on my hips feigning anger.

“u this girl don’t have respect again o, am I d one u are talking to” I asked looking upset & Prisca laughed. She was actually older than me with 3months & some days. Prisca stood in front of me & used her eyes to trace my body like she was a guy & I instantly became uncomfortable. She laughed heartily & had to hold her sides trying to still d laughter. I hissed,

“so u have not thrown away ur acting skills abi?” I asked. It had been a long time since she did that & she always did that to drive in her point.

“You see? u are not immune to guys & what I just did confirm it”. She came over & placed her hand on my shoulder. “Give urself d chance to love someone & u would be as happy as I am with Tony”.

I remembered what I saw yesterday & blushed. She laughed again for a long time & I finally smiled uncomfortably. She did not stop laughing so I gave her a tender blow on her arm & she ran off laughing. There was just something about being with Prisca, she could make u remember ur time as a child with so much ease that u want to behave like a child. I was enjoying myself 4d first time in a very long time..

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Tony was exceedingly happy when Richard told him about Deji’s stability. It had been a long time since a casualty had been recorded in their hospital & he had prayed that it remain that way although his prayer had doubled when he saw d way Richard was taking it. He knew that if d outcome had been otherwise, Richard would be adversely affected even if he did not tell anyone cos he had this arrogant exterior that never wanted anyone to see his pain.

He had known Richard right from his secondary school days & they had been inseparable friends although they got separated a bit when they went to d higher institution, fate brought them back to each other.

Richard who was a complete Nigerian looked more foreign & was often mistaken for a half cast cos of his wavy hair & non-Nigerian voice. He was given birth to in America but when his parents got divorced 7yrs after he was born, his father had taken custody of him while his mother took the other two girls. He entered Deji’s room & found him awake looking confused.

“Hello, how are u feeling?” he asked smiling at Deji. Deji looked at him more confused,

“I don’t know who u are”

“it is alright, I am ur doctor”

“u don’t understand, I… I don’t know anything. The only thing I remember is being hit by a big bus. Where was I going…Who am i?” Deji lamented.

Tony felt distraught but did not let it show on his face(one of d virtues a doctor should possess)so he just said still smiling,

“u just need to rest a little bit & I am sure u would remember it all in a short while. It is perfectly normal at this stage”.

When it became obvious that Deji would not be able to relax cos of his confusion, Tony sedated him & went in search of Richard.


Mr. Badmus had called his friends seeking for financial help but none of them wanted to help him. He could not go to his bank to seek for a loan either so he decided to wait at home keeping a low profile & hoping that Tunji would not come. The entire money he had was 50k & he took it home incase Tunji showed, he would not be empty handed. He switched on d Tv desperately trying to calm his nerves & what he saw chilled him to d bones.

“HEADLINES: The son of d Deputy Governor, Olatunji James, murdered. Mr. Badmus seemed to receive d news with mixed feelings. He still could not place d fact that someone he had seen d previous day & spoken to merely hours ago is dead. He suddenly became scared of his environment & he looked around to be sure he was alone. He stared at the Tv again and asked no one in particular,

“who could have done this?” he thought about belina but knew that no matter how stubborn she is, she could never attempt something like that. Though he was distraught about the fact that his only source of making wealth had been cut off completely, he still had a cause to smile.

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To be continued