15 Days Fiancée Episode 5


Written by Authoress Ti Fe

🥼 JACE 🥼

“Why did you book an appointment with that lady?” Lydia asked barging into the office.

“Hey. Hold on, what’s going on? Why are you boiling in anger?” I asked staring at her.

“That b**ch just talked back at me. She called me a b**chy judge.” She said and I felt like laughing but I controlled it.

“Wow I never knew she was that brave. No one has ever spoken back at you. I guess you have a rival now.” I said smiling.

“Seriously Jace? Is that what you are going to say? That she is my rival? How can you say that lowlife is my rival. She has not even achieved half of what I have achieved her entire miserable life.” She said and all I did was laugh.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself Lydia. I was just joking okay? And why do you hate her so much anyways?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I just hate her, I have a bad feeling about her.” She said and I laughed again.

“And when did you started having those feelings? Trust me Elena is awesome. You just need to know her well.” I said and she grew more angry.

“I don’t want to know her. And why are you meeting her anyways?” She asked and I sighed.

“It’s nothing Lydia.” I said.

“It doesn’t seem like nothing. Wait, are you helping her into the institute?” She asked and I got a little pissed.

“Lydia can’t you just back off? She hasn’t done anything wrong to you. Stop all this nonsense.” I said angrily and she swallowed hard. She knows I rearly get angry.

“What’s wrong Jace? You have never raised your voice at me.” She said and I breathed out trying to calm down.

“I am sorry. You just keep talking and I am not in the mood for that now.” I said sadly.

“Jace you know you can talk to me right?” She said and I nodded.

“I know, but there is nothing to talk about. I just want to be alone.” I said trying to get rid of her.

“But what about my proposal? I love you Jace, I want you. You shouldn’t push me away.” She said.

“Seriously Lydia. Give me some space!” I yelled and she looked shocked.

“Okay.” She said in a low Tone walking out of the office. I sighed placing my head on the table, I took a deep breath calming myself in.

I knew I shouldn’t have yelled at her, but she never listens to me if I talk gently.

My phone rang and I picked it up raising up my head. It was an unknown number.

“Hey hi, it’s me Elena”

“Hey *cheering up*”

“Sorry for disturbing, but I just wanted to tell you that I accept the offer. I will be your fiancee.”

“Really? You will do it? “Happily”

“What’s wrong? Don’t you want me to?”

“No no. It’s perfect, great news.”

“Okay. So….”

“Dinner. Tonight. Send me your address, i will pick you at 7.”

“Sounds like fun to me.”

“Okay. Bye.”

I hung up and punched the air happily. I didn’t know why I was so happy about it but one thing I knew for sure was that I felt something different around her.

I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I need to find out what I feel for her, and these 15 days is going to show me what I really feel.

And if this is love, then I hope she loves me back for after this fifteen days because I don’t want to break my heart the second time.

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I hung up the call grinning. I picked up my phone to call my best friend Celine.

“Hey baby girl”

“Hey, how are you doing?”


“Tell me, how was the Audition? I am sorry I haven’t called since then.”

“I am happy you didn’t call. I can’t let you mock me too.”

“Why? Did it go bad?”

“Yeah. And I guess I made Alec’s day with that.”

“Wow. I am so sorry, I didn’t know.”

“I know but there is a good news.”

“Tell me”

“One of the judge wants to help me get into the institute.”

“Wow that’s great”

“But he wants something in return.”

“I knew it! P**sy lovers.”

“No not that Celine. He wants me to be his fiancee for fifteen days because of his step mother.”

“Wow that’s new. So what was your reply? Cos I know how much you want to get into the institute.”

“At one time I was going to tell him I wasn’t going to take the offer. But then, he said I should forget about it that he would help me without taking anything.”

“Why did he change his mind?”

“I don’t know, though I was happy he changed his mind, but then on my way to your place, I ran into Stefan.”

“Hold on, same Stefan?”

“Yes. I was happy to see him, but I don’t want him to think I haven’t moved on because of him, so I called Jace to accept the offer.”

“Wait the judge is Jace? Jace Bone?”

“Yes why?”

“Damn that dude is f**king hot!”

“I know. But this is just an agreement, nothing more. He doesn’t love me and just wants to impress his stepmother. And I also want the institute and make some bas***d jealous.”

“You are one bad a*s. Just make sure if anything goes wrong, you call me.”

“Of course. Got to go. I have a date tonight with Jace.”

“Seriously?? I am on my way to your house now. You need to look extremely hot.”

“Whatever. See you soon.”

I hung up the call grinning.

“Looks like you are having some fun.” Alec said suddenly by my window startling me.

“Oh My God. Alec Seriously!” I said breathing hard.

“I wish you success on your date.” He said and walked away.

“sh*t. He heard me.” I mumbled.