Road to Destiny – Friday (11/11/16)



In today’s episode, 
Fernanda tells Carlos that the sadness she feels has got nothing to do with the choices his parents made during their youthful age but Carlos says, in all, he is so grateful because without her his world would be incomplete. Fernanda then adds up that, if her parents hadn’t made that mistake, he wouldn’t have known her least to think of missing her and Carlos says, indeed that may be true but his life will still be incomplete and for that he will thank Luis Montero for giving him Fernanda. They both agree not to keep secrets from Pakito and Pedro Jnr but will let them know their relation to prevent them from suffering in future. 
Marissa tells Pedro that she feels so sorry about what has happenned and now she understands why he wanted to protect his daughter from her son and Pedro thinks he only did that to protect Fernanda from so much suffering. 
Aldoniaz comes over to give the divorce papers to Luis whiles the police are still in the act of searching for the documents of the bank but Luis tells him he is never going to sign that divorce papers because he will take everything away from her and sue her for adultery by flirting with him (Aldoniaz) and so he kicks them out since they never saw any document.
Carlos and Fernanda blow the news to both Marissa and Pedro about the arrangement for their wedding which is going to be as simple and they want to have, Camila, Lucero and Adelina as their bridal trail and Pedro and Marissa look so happy for them.
Luis tells Isabella that, he wants to let Pedro pay for taking his place as Fernanda’s father and embittering her against him but the fact is he will do everything to win Fernanda’s love because he needs all her money and Isabella ridicules him for saying nonsense because Fernanda will continue to be the poor person they know but Luis reveals to her that Don Fernando willed everything to her as she is his grandchild. Therefore he wants her as his accomplice and it seems Isabella is interested.
Lucero tries doing everything to escape from the house but it was to no avail and she cries all her eyes out. In the same vein, Diego proposes love to his new student and kisses her but unfortunately, Lucero’s mother catches him red handed and she approaches him for stabbing her daughter at her back. She questions who that woman is and she tells her that, he is her son in-law and she is sure she used those same words to seduce her but the girl thinks she has no right to speak for her and she knows what she is doing. She then left with Diego.  
Amelia calls Pedro to let him know that Camila has gone missing but the only one who can actually tell her where about is Fernanda so, he thinks he has to let her know so together with Henan, they can go look for her. She then comes to ask Henan to go see a doctor because the loss of Camila has caused him vROAD TO DESTINY
Hello wonderful people, we are continuing with ROAD TO DESTINY and in today’s episode, 
Fernanda tells Carlos that the sadness she feels has got to do with the choices his parents made during their youthful age but Carlos says, in all he is so grateful because without her his world would be incomplete. Fernanda then added up that, if her parents hadn’t made that mistake, he wouldn’t have known her least to think of missing her and Carlos says, indeed that may be true but his life will still be incomplete and that he will thank Luis Montero for giving him Fernanda. They both agree not to keep secrets from Pakito and Pedro Jnr but will let them know their relation to prevent them from suffering in future. 
Marissa tells Pedro that she feels so sorry about what has happen and now she understands why he wanted to protect her daughter from her son and Pedro thinks he only did that to protect Fernanda from so much suffering. 
Aldoniaz comes over to give the divorce papers to Luis whiles the police are still in the act of searching for the documents of the bank but Luis tells him he is never going to sign that divorce papers because he will take everything away from him and sue her for adultery by flirting with him (Aldoniaz) and so he kicks them out since they never saw any document.
Carlos and Fernanda blow the news to both Marissa and Pedro about the arrangement for their wedding which is going to be as simple and they want to have, Camila, Lucero and Adelina as their bridal trail and Pedro and Marissa looks so happy for them.
Luis tells Isabella that, he wants to let Pedro pay for taking his place as Fernanda’s father and embittering her against him but the fact is he will do everything to win Fernanda’s love because he needs all her money and Isabella ridicules him for saying nonsense because Fernanda will continue to be the poor person they know but Luis reveals to her that Don Fernando WILL everything to her as she is his grandson. Therefore he wants her as his accomplice and it seems Isabella is interested.
Lucero tries doing everything to escape from the house but it was to no avail and she cries all her eyes out. In the same vein, Diego proposes love to his new student and he kisses and unfortunately, Lucero’s mother catches him red handed and she approaches him for stabbing her daughter at her back. She questions who that woman is and she tells her that, he is her son in-law and she is sure she used those same words to seduce her but the girl thinks she has no right to speak for her and she knows what she is doing. She then left with Diego.  
Amelia calls Pedro to let him know that Camila has gone missing but the only one who can actually tell her where about is Fernanda so, he thinks he has to let her know so together with Henan, they can go look for her. She then comes to ask Henan to go see a doctor because the loss of Camila has caused him to be very sick and so Carlos and Fernanda come over to check on Henan and Fernanda tells Henan that she will go with him to look for her friend but Henan doesn’t want her to go with him but she insists to go with him. They then set on the way to look for Camila in the nearby towns.
In the same vein, Mariana tries insulting Fernanda and Henan for being so stupid to go look for that Camila girl but Carlos warns her to watch her mouth because if she continues with this attitude she will be left lonely as Henan will soon die and she wouldn’t get anyone to stay by her side because she isn’t in good terms with her family members.
Luis goes to Pedro’s apartment and tries strangling him to death but Pedro gets his way and pushes him on the ground and he almost hit him with an object but he tells him that he isn’t a murderer. Carlos enters and together with Maribel they calm him down but in all Pedro tells him that no matter what Karma will catch up with him and he will pay for all the harm he’s caused Fernanda, Marissa and his other loved ones.
It’s almost dawn and yet Fernanda and Henan have still not arrive home so, Carlos goes after them and thank God he sees them and Fernanda looks so happy seeing him. In the same vein, Mariana wakes up to see that Henan has still not return, she then asks herself why she even misses him but she realizes that, she misses him dearly because he’s the one who has always been by her side and helping her, her partner and accomplice who always help her to cast out the demon in her and with this she prays that he never dies and leave her alone as she can’t stand that.
Stay tuned to ROAD TO DESTINY on UTV!!!