I wasn’t sure of my sight.
I quickly wipe my tears and went over to
I looked at him and ofcourse he was moving
as he tried to raise his arm and opened his
He is back!!!
I ran to the door as I called for the nurse,
she too came running. I told her to proceed
to the ward as I ran off to get Dr. Imran.
The few people I met along the corridor and
down the stairs kept staring at me but I
didn’t care.
The way I b@nged into Dr. Imran’s office
told him what was amidst as he quickly
dropped the file he was going through and
followed me. We both ran back to
Basheer’s ward.
What I saw as we entered the ward was
something I would never forget.
Basheer was still lying on the bed finding it
very difficult to breath, the nurse tried to
hold him back as his chest raised up to an
altitude higher than the rest of his body. Dr.
Imran ran to him and with the help of two
other nurses that came into the room as
they heard noises, they were able to control
his breath back to normal after giving him
so many medical aids.
I stood still as my excitement turned to
shock as I watched my dearest friend
struggling for his life, I was already crying
like there would be no tommorrow. One of
the nurses took me to the sofa and sat me
down trying to console me but I went on
A few minutes later, my parents came in
while Dr. Imran was still in the ward. He
told them what happened and said he
needed to see my Dad in his office right
away. My Mum sat by my side hugging me
as they both left.
About 30 minutes later, my Dad came back.
He looked very worried as he sat down
beside my Mum.
“He has slipped into a coma”, he told us.
“Is he dying?”I asked not sure what slipping
into a coma meant.
“No, he is not dying. Slipping into a coma
is just a state of deep unconsciousness for
a prolonged period. It’s just seem like the
person is in a deep sleep, he tried to explain
“He’ll be fine”, my mum assured me.
“Why does one slip into a coma?”, I directed
the question to my dad
He stared at me not knowing how to answer
the question.
“I am not sure of that, it could be due to
shock, serious injuries or illness, and as you
can see Basheer had sustained serious
injuries from the accident, the doctor said
we are lucky he doesn’t bleed too much”, he
“I think we should inform his parents about
the situation at hand”, he said trying to
change the topic.
“Yes, I think they should even come over”,
my mum advised.
I told them I had already told his Mum
about the accident but it will be better if
one of them talks to them and explained
everything in details. My Dad said he
He called Basheer’s dad as they were very
familiar with each other, I heard him telling
him about everything. His dad said they
would catch the first available flight back
“They will be coming soon”, he said as soon
as he ended the call.
“That will be better”, my mum said.
A few minutes later, Dr. Imran came in, he
said we should all go home as there was no
use waiting up for Basheer.
“We have to move him to the Intensive Care
Unit (ICU) immediately because his
breathing and brain activities have to be
monitored through CT scans, he had said
then continued, His respiration and
circulation has to be maintained by
intubation and ventilation and once we are
sure he is no more in danger, we have to
concentrate on maintaining his physical
state, preventing other infections and
providing balanced nutrition”, he concluded.
I understood some of what he said as I
listened with keen interest.
“You have nothing to worry about, he’ll be
fine by Allah’s grace”, he assured
We left the ward as some nurses moved
Basheer to the ICU.
We kept silent along the way as I drove with
my Mum by my side while my Dad drove
back home alone.
Once at home, I went to my room and
locked myself as I wanted to be alone. I
took my bath and I was sitting by the
mirror combing my hair when I heard a
knock on my door. I stood up, went to the
door and unlocked it. It was my mum.
She stared at me and was suprised at how
much I have changed within one day.
“Basheer’s illness really have an effect on
you, but don’t let it frustrate you so much”,
she advised
I kept silent as I went to my wadrobe
looking for what is best for me to wear.
“You have to remember everything that
happens comes from Allah, we just have to
pray over it”, she added sitting on the sofa.
“Yes, Mum. I will try my best with the
prayers”, I told her.