Boy repeatedly raped his 9-year-old sister after viewing incest porn


A boy repeatedly raped his younger sister after becoming fascinated with incest pornography, a court has heard.  The unnamed 14-year-old, who was 12 at the time of the offences, pleaded guilty to six charges of rape at Cheltenham Magistrate’s Court.
Examinations of his internet history showed he had typed in search terms relating to incest and viewed the material. Ian Fenney, prosecuting, said the boy told his sibling, who was then aged nine, that she “wouldn’t be his sister anymore” if he couldn’t have intercourse with her.
“Cases of this nature will increasingly come across the court,” warned Mr Fenney, because of the ease of access youngsters have to online pornography, the Mail Online reported.
Mr Fenney said the offences were “not solitary” and the boy had done them when he was “sure he wouldn’t be disturbed.” But the girl told her mother about what had happened.  Defending lawyer Gareth James said the boy was inappropriately experimenting and the pornography he had viewed influenced his actions.
Judge Joti Bopa-Rai gave the boy a 12-month referral order and also a five year Sexual Harm Prevention Order, which will monitor his behavior, according to the Mail. The boy cannot be around anyone under the age of 16 and will have his internet history checked by police officers.