6 Mascara Tips Every Lady Should Know



Not all of us like fixing false lashes. I mean, I don’t. And I don’t believe I’m the only one who doesn’t. So we rely on our mascaras to do the magic for us.
  Mascara makes the eyes look attractive and bigger. But, mascara has to be used in a correct way to make the lashes look bigger.

Here are some tips:

1. Use an eyelash curler
  It is wise to use an eyelash curler before the application of mascara. This helps to open up the lashes and make them look bigger. Use a heated eyelash curler for getting perfect results for eyelashes. Using the curler after application of mascara will also help to define the look of the eyes.

2. Apply black or brown color in mascara
  Agreed, there are many colors in mascara to choose from. But, the result of black and brown mascara always make the eyes look beautiful. Black colored mascara make the eyelashes look bigger naturally. Super black color enhances the appeal of the eyes, whereas rich natural brown makes the eyelashes look more attractive.

3. Apply in the upward direction
  For better result, apply the mascara in the upward direction. This helps to lengthen the lashes and make them look bigger. Zigzag application of the brush can be used for party occasions to make the eyes look different. Hold the mascara brush and move it in the upward direction starting from the base of the lashes. Second coat can be applied on the outer corner of the lashes; this also makes a considerable difference. Do not apply more than two coats of mascara on the lashes.

4. Blink the eyes
  After application of mascara, slowly blink the eyes to make the eyes look perfect. Do not do this in a jiffy, or else the mascara might smudge to give a very shabby look. Practice the trick and do it slowly. This helps to create a perfect appearance of bigger eyelashes, which make the eyes look pretty.

5. Use the minking trick
  For formal and party occasions, using the ‘minking’ trick will make the eyes look bigger. ‘Minking’ trick can be used by combining two colors of mascara together. Mix black and brown mascara and apply it on the lashes. This creates a magical effect on eyes and makes the lashes look beautiful, the natural way.

6. Apply a primer or powder
  This entirely depends on personal choice. To make the eyes look bigger, loose powder can be applied on the lashes before application of mascara coat. Similarly, clear primer can be applied to give a perfect appearance of beautiful bigger eyelashes.

Follow the above tricks to get beautiful eyelashes.
