31ST May Episode 39


“Oh dear do you know, how a long time ago,two poor little Children whose names I don’t know, was caught in the maze on a cold summer’s day and left the woods as I have heard people say,and when it was night, so sad was their plight,these poor little children they laid down and died ..and all the day long,they sang them these song. .poor babes in the woods poor babes in the woods, oh don’t you remember poor babes in the woods, poor babes in the woods ” Her grandmother sang the song over and over again that whenever she closed her eyes, she could hear her voice.
Her grandmother was the most loving woman ever, so kind and never got tired of her.
So it didn’t make sense that she just died. that was what her mother said as she cried in her father’s arms.

The police, they couldn’t tell who killed her, all they know is that the only thing missing from her house was a green diamond necklace she liked to wear around her neck.
Her eyes were plucked out, her ears peirced in with a screw driver and her tongue pulled out with a clipper.

The weapons used to commit this act just laid there on the floor with no finger prints . And the poor old woman bleed to her death, alone, in her small house.

Tina cried next to her mother as the news was broken to them at the early hours of the next morning.
“But, why?” Her mother, Trish asked
“We figured it was a robbery because her house was trashed up but..Nothing seems to be missing. Just turned tables and chairs and beds, as though the person was looking for something in particular. And the fact that the killer took out time to take out her eyes, and her tongue I guess to keep her from screaming and pierces her ears goes to show that the person had other motives too. But the green diamond necklace is what we don’t understand , from what you say she never takes it off”
“Never, as long as I can remember mother wore that necklace to bed and even to shower”
“What is it?”
“It’s a family heirloom , passed down from generation to generation, mama always says that when she was about to die she would place it around my neck and than in time I will give it to my daughter. . ”
“Is it like worth a few bucks maybe? ”

“No, she said it was made of a scarved rock made of green that our mother’s and her mother’s mother’s before her had in their family. she told me that it helps to protect her from harm, and the only time she would take it off is only when she is dying…that death can’t kill an already dying person”
“okay it doesn’t make sense but let’s go with it. So it’s like a protection necklace ?”
“According to mother , Yes”
” So the person was able to kill her because she had taken it off or because he took it off and then he kills her. So technically , someone might have killed your mother because of that, because that sounds ridiculous but that is the only thing the person seemed to collect and it’s the only missing item in the crime scene.” The officer said.
Tina, who was barely eleven listens to their conversation, from across the room she saw her grandmother, sitting on her favorite chair and she backed her, she would rock herself till she slept. Now she looked and saw the chair empty. And grandmother wasn’t there anymore.
“If we have any more information we would let you know” the police told them.
Her mother cried all night, her father consoled her throughout the night and Tina, Tina went to the chair in which her Grandmother used to rock herself to sleep and then she rocked it , back and forth, back and forth untill she fell asleep.

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It was two months later when she saw it.. It was on a new girl’s neck, it sparkled green and it was beautiful and it looked exactly like what her grandmother used to wear
“Mother, I saw grandmother’s necklace with a girl in school today”

“You did?”
“Yes mother. ”
“Are you sure it’s thesame one Tina, you have to be sure? ”
“Mother, I am. I stared at it for so long around grandmother’s neck and no matter how much I begged her to give me she told me that you would give it to me when it is time after you have worn it till you are old and grey. so I know mother. ..and the new girl has it around her neck”
“We would go to the school tomorrow and we would find out”
“The case as been closed Trish, it’s been two months, we never found the killer. .” Her father tells her mother
“it doesn’t mean that this might lead us to a glue. if she has the necklace for real then maybe someone had given it to her, someone who might know something who knows . that necklace is one of its kind, from my mother’s lineage.it is no coincidence that someone has it. we just have to check it and see, and ask her some questions that is it”
“Fine” He sighs

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“Latoya, can you please tell us where you got this necklace from?” the principal asks her.
Trish had followed Tina to school and waited till the new girl came and as soon as she saw her neck, she went up to the girl and told her to remove it and give it, asking her where she got it from,the new girl threw a feat refusing to do so. they were called into the principal’s office where they showed her the picture of the exact same necklace from two generations back. And told her the history behind it. she said she was going to ask the girl questions herself.
“Latoya?” the principal calls the girl’s name again
” it is mine. I found it in my father’s jacket, ”
“It is not yours, it’s my mother’s and my mother’s mother’s ” Trish snaps

“Mrs Trish Dickson, let me handle this please ”
“Does he know you have it?” The principal turns back to the girl
“No. he has been away for two days for work, and I was helping mother dry clean when I noticed something in father’s pocket and then I saw this necklace” She says touching it. “And I knew at once father had bought it for me on my birthday. He couldn’t get me a present last week so I guess this was the one he bought for me and he was going to give it to me. But by the time I went back to look for him, mother said he had gone , so I am waiting to tell him thank you. But I wore it because it was so pretty. .even mother seemed jealous of its prettiness”
“Latoya, we would like to call your father and ask him”
“He would tell you thesame thing. ”
“In the main time, I would ask that you take it off and when the whole mess is cleared up and it is trully yours,we would give it back to you , untill then, can you please take it off?”
“You promise?”
“Yes I promise ”
it takes a long while , and some struggle for Latoya to take it off and then finally she places it in the principal’s hands,Tina is staring at it.

“You are excused Latoya,and you too Tina. Mrs Trish a word?”
As the children leaves, staring back at the necklace , the principal turns to Trish
“If there is any truth in what you are saying,there might be a possibility that Latoya’s father might be the one responsible for your mother’s death or by sheer coincidence he happen to just have this necklace. ”
“I hope not but if that is true then I would need to inform the police about it”

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To be continued