Your Comments On Our Stories


Hi everyone

So today we are not going to post any story on the website but rather ask for your opinion on the stories we share over here, how/what do you think we can do to make you enjoy the best stories on our website and the app?


  1. I like your stories. God bless you for these stories. some stories like The President Daughter, Agony of Chioma, The Prognosticator but you didn’t end that story.

  2. aww ur stories are very,very interested, have been following ur stories from day one till now. in fact for me, I just love the way it has been going. tnx

  3. I think if the app could be designed in a way:
    1. where any person who want to read stories from the site or app will be entitled to an account.
    2. The person can add stories he/she wants to read to his bookshelf or library like wattpad and the other story apps
    3. Follow writers on the app and stuff

  4. your stories are superb. God bless you for that. My only problem is that you didn’t complete the prognosticator

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