Almost a year ago now WhatsApp announced plans to roll out a voice calling feature to their popular chat app and now finally it seems to be landing in some users’ apps, though there’s no official word from WhatsApp on a limited roll-out.
There has also been reports that WhatsApp will roll out free voice calling to India in 2015, but no real details were revealed as to when that’ll happen. Now however, some users have been getting the free calling features on their WhatsApp apps, with reddit users sharing screenshots of the feature in action.
“Its like an invite thing, where a person with the call feature needs to “call” another person who wants to start using the feature,” according to Reddit user pradnesh07, who linked to the photos. pradnesh07 also notes that it only appears to work for people running Android Lollipop on a Nexus 5 phone.
Could the feature be rolling out to everyone soon? And if so, is this something you’ll be using?
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