The Mistake of My Life Episode 10


Prince opened the door and behold,it was Ona .I made to come out from my hiding but i decided to stay where i was,to find out her mission. She was panting.”Dagger ,there is
problem.A girl who refused to play along with Mady has escaped. Mady is on her way to this place to tell you to mobilize your boys and search for her.This is her
I Peeped and saw her bring out a picture.I knew i was the one in that photo.I saw
prince stare at the picture .Shaking his head. “Please don’t hurt her when you eventually
find her.Rather save her life.The poor girl is just helpless and innocent.The baby under your care to be sold to the spiritualist is hers. I gave her a number to reach me…
”On hearing this,i came out from my hiding. “My daughter…”that was all i
was saying. Ona was so shocked to find me there.Prince later told her what happened and added that i used to be a good friend of his back in school. Prince told me that he would help me on one condition,being that i must tell nobody about Mady and the kind of
business she does.
I agreed and he made me swear.I wondered why he was trying to protect the evil woman.Perhaps they are all into the business together.The same doom awaited them.
He arranged a room for me in a distant hotel for the mean time.He brought my
daughter to me that very day.I was so grateful to him and Ona.
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Perhaps he decided to help me because of how good i used to be to him back in our school
days.Even Ona. Another God sent i don’t know how to repay her but i know God will see her through someday. Prince gave me a huge sum of money to travel to another state and start life afresh.I owed him a lot.
I never got any information on what transpired after prince and ona saved me.I
didn’t also know anything about Nnamdi’s where about.Even mama joy and my parents.But i knew and believed that i would see them again someday.What gave
me the greatest joy was my Winnie,my daughter.
After some years” I struggled hard to further my education and train my daughter in school too.After everything,i graduated as a lawyer.I got enough money from my clients.My daughter was living a good life and doing well in school too.I bought a car and owned a house.God really blessed me after many years of hardship.An idea struck my mind to visit home with my daughter to know the situation of things. But i never knew what awaited me back home…
To be continued…..