The Brat and The She Devil-Episode 52


Brian winces in pain as he manages to lock his door, he holds on to his stomach slouching abit as he moves away from the living room, staggering into his bedroom, he felt dizzy, weak, maybe due to the constant blow to his head and the slice to his stomach , and he lost a lot of blood. They had advised him to go to the hospital at the chemist as they cleaned his wound; he refused, even after Ikena insisted another couple of times. He didn’t want to and for good reason.

Going to the hospital they would want to know how he got injured, which he could easily state arm robbers attacked him, which was true, relatively. But they weren’t armed robbers, they obviously were set to kill him or harm him in a major sort of way especially when they said ‘’I know you would love to know who sent us, but that info is privy to them alone’’ , that meant someone obviously hates him well enough to send people after him, but who and why, what did he do?. He doesn’t remember having enemies and even if he did have one which was ridiculous , what sort of enemy would he have to warrant the person send three armed men after him?

Would they have killed him if Ikena didn’t show up? Or were they just going to beat him to a pulp, make him bleed, leave him unconscious and barely alife and go? What was their plan and why, why did the person send them?

What did he do?

Who hates him so much?

Who hates him so much to want to harm him? Whoever that person was, he hopes Ikena is able to get information about him.

But that wasn’t the reason he didn’t want to go to the hospital. They would require he drop his details and he couldn’t possible drop it without them figuring out who he is, it’s a hospital. They would want to call in and check out who he is, hospitals are trying to be careful so they don’t accept criminals at the detriments of other patients and once they check him out, they would probably hit a block wall and that would be a red flag, it would raise suspicion and then they are mandated to call the police to report the situation while they treat him and if he is supposing a criminal, he would be arrested on the spot, and because he isn’t a criminal but he has a little to no identity if they check him out, it would be a red flag for the police and he would be arrested immediately.

And the only way to override that is to call his father, which is what Ikena suggested, as soon as they get to the hospital, and once his father over-rides that and they begin to treat him, there are always reporters lurking around hospitals or insiders who like to be privy to information first…they would find out the son of one of the richest men in Nigeria was almost assassinated , and because J.K.Andrews was a name which was as huge as a country, the news media would carry it, the internet would be buzzing , his mother would be in panic, his father would want to shake the city to find out who dared to touch him, it would be a mess, he would be flown out of the country in a second, they would comb the area and people he had come in contact with for the past few weeks, his face would be pasted everywhere; bodyguards, secret service……he didn’t want that. He didn’t want that anymore. He needed to be able to take care of himself like a man from now on. He didn’t need his father and his mother rushing to his aid like he was a kid.

Remembering his conversation with Ikena; Ikena said he was stubborn; well he had to agree to it. But he is fine, thanks to Ikena who came; he wouldn’t want to worry his father, not anymore, nor his mother. Ikena was enough for him for now, if there wasn’t anyone then he would have had to call his father but..he is okay. Atleast he is still breathing, for now, it wasn’t so serious to call the bulldog that would rip anyone’s head for touching his son.

‘’This isn’t serious enough? Sir Brian forgive me but are you high or just stupid, you were almost killed, at gun point, a knife to your throat, bleeding lips and a slice to your tummy, five minutes late and you might be dead if that is what they intended, dead Brian. Your father would kill me then burn the entire Port Harcourt to the ground, don’t joke with this and say you are still breathing, we need to tell him and inform him so he knows that there is a threat over your life, maybe it could be one of his enemies, those people who are envious of his wealth and decided to go after his son’’

‘’But most people don’t know I am in the country, he tried to keep me from the limelight especially in Nigeria, that was why it was easy for him to hide my identity here in Port Harcourt and the only ones who know who I am is you, Emeka and ..him and mother, it’s also the same reason why poke nosers like John going to the HR’s office to check out my profile came up with nothing, and I am sure he went to find out who I am but would hit the brick fire wall protecting my identity..’’

‘’so what are you saying?’’

‘’that it couldn’t be any of Dad’s’’

‘’well we don’t know that, we have to cover all the edges and your father would want to be told, your life is more precious than some training and life lessons in Port Harcourt , even he would tell you that’’

‘’I know, but, right now…I don’t need daddy to come to my rescue Ikena, you are enough’’

‘’I am sent to protect you by your daddy Brian’’ he mocked ‘’So what the hell are you saying’’

‘’I am saying, I have to be a man now Ikena, I am tired of it all…it all. I need to be able to take care of me and protect me and provide for me to the best of my abilities , I need to do this, not for him alone, not because he has forced me to be mature and be responsible, but for me, for me Ikena. Look, see’’ he stands up ‘’I am fine, all I am saying is that, it isn’t so serious that you need to worry the old man over a son who should be able to hold down his own’’

‘’Three guys with a weapon and you without? I saw the two guy’s faces, you did hold your own, but you don’t take fists to a war front with guns Brian, you could have been killed, they were more than you and had tools to play with, what did you have? A smart mouth, a few good punches? Nothing else, you could have been killed Brian’’

‘’I wasn’t, you showed up’’

‘’You keep saying that is making me angry, just what if I was late, you could have been killed’’

‘’well I wasn’t damnit Ikena, !!!’’

‘’You could have been killed, stop being so fxxking stubborn!!’’ Ikena shouts at him

‘’You forget your place Ikena!’’ Brian is staring at him

‘’Sorry Sir but…’’ He trails off shaking his head, fxxking stubborn kid, fxxking stubborn kid. He shakes his head

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Brian is staring at him, he smiles, chuckling ‘’If I didn’t know better Ikena, I would say you care about me, heh! I know I was a pain in the butt and I made your life unbearable with my childish behaviors and whatnot, giving you a good run for your patience and making you eat shit like words and throwing my ..’’You can’t do me shit because my father would crush you if you lay a hand on me ‘ and slapped my father’s money across your face like it’s was my birthright, well technically it is my birthday but still…I know Ikena , trust me I know how big of a mess I was , and I want to change that and I am, I have to. For me, so at the end of this whole I can be proud of me as my father and mother would be of me too. So..this is me saying sorry for whatever half-ass jokes I have thrown your way, this is me saying sorry for being an unbearable ass, this is me being sorry for treating you like shit, I don’t like you, but I don’t hate you either, okay maybe I like you a little bit for something hard, for being such a nice guy and trying not to punch my face in or slam my head against the wall when I am being a dick to you and you can’t do anything , for taking all my bullshits and insults and you know it all, the entire Brian Andrews’s fxxkups starter pack ‘’ He laughs wincing in pain as he sits back down ‘’really Ikena, sometimes I hated you for not listening to me and leave me the hell alone, for not allowing me do me because well, I know you were doing your job, being paid to do it so…anyhow, the little times you drop some advice, I hear them but I was stubborn, too stubborn, you can’t exactly blame me, I was stupid, but not anymore. But thank you, I hate you but thank you ‘’he smiles at Ikena in his pain ‘’and thank you for tonight, I know if you haven’t shown up I probably would have been toast or worse, you would have to break the news to my parents, I know..i am just saying, I don’t want to worry them, not yet, maybe it might just be some stupid beef that needs squaring up, maybe.. just don’t worry them. I need to break them good news man, not me getting into trouble news, not being in the news- news, not those kind of news, but news that would bring a smile to their face, cause them to nod their head and beta their chest and say…yes, that is my son. I want to give them a different thought when they think about me Ikena, not Brian the spoilt brat who always gets his way and bask in the luxuries of who his father is and what his name brings, no.. I gatto do me man, for’’

I need to break them good news man, not me getting into trouble news, not being in the news- news, not those kind of news, but news that would bring a smile to their face, cause them to nod their head and beta their chest and say…yes, that is my son. I want to give them a different thought when they think about me Ikena, not Brian the spoilt brat who always gets his way and bask in the luxuries of who his father is and what his name brings, no.. I gatto do me man, for’’

‘’I am sure they can forgive you for this news, it isn’t your fault you got jumped’’

‘’Hmm, still, just let this one go please, I am good, I am home, you showed up. I am sure you would find out who planned this’’

‘’if he doesn’t talk, I have my ways’’

Brian cocks his head to the side ‘’Why do they call you Ikena the terrible, I saw your file once in Pop’s office right before he snatched it away from me’’

Ikena smiles ‘’ just as the name implies Brian, Terrible, in whatever way you want to define it’’

‘’Do you sleep at night, killing all those people ?’’

‘’We were at war Brian, nothing justifies killing, but when it is a matter of life and death and I was incharge of a brigade that was meant to protect women and children, it was either protect them, or let them be killed one by one by our enemies..what would be your decision?’

‘’Well, I wouldn’t know, protect the women and children’’ Brian says

‘’Well, there, you don’t think, thinking could get you a bullet between your head, you act, you act and you act.. I had no weapons, I had my fist, my instincts and I had my blade, and a mortal’’

‘’Deaths from you totaled up to fifty alone in one night, ‘’ Brian shakes his head

‘’You want to know how I sleep at night? I don’t ‘’’ he says ‘’ but know this, if I have to protect people who have no defense to protect themselves again, I would. See , I have been in the military since I was eighteen, I got into black ops when I got to twenty-six, by thirty I was put into undercover covert missions, by thirty –three, I have passed through various departments because they considered me the best,. The best at neutralizing enemy camps, taking no prisoners when it came to protecting the innocents and my methods have been brutal, too brutal. I have seen enough deaths, had near encounters to know that being brutal is what keeps you alife, and this life of career…forgiving an enemy on battle ground or having a soft spot would get you dead, that was how I lost my twin brother, and my father in one day’’

‘’I didn’t know that’’

‘’there are a lot of things you don’t know about me, that is why it is confidential. You shouldn’t be looking through confidential files in your father’s office’’

‘’I am sorry about that though’’

‘’oh well’’ Ikena shrugs ‘’its past, gone, wound closed’’

‘’so why are you a bodyguard of an obnoxious kid?’’

Ikena laughs ‘’well, they decided that I needed to cool off, get my head back in to the game, having to carrying my father’s and brother’s bodies dragging it all by myself to safety ‘’ he shakes his head ‘’they were dead, I knew it, one bullet between my brother’s eyes and my father’s gaping hole in his chest..must have done a number on me. They said I had a nervous breakdown, had to go for therapy for a few weeks. I got back to work yes, I got put back on the field and I guess I was too angry, became more brutal, no mercy to those who killed them…that was how I got the name, Ikena the terrible.. heads flew, hands, blood on the walls, as long as you were the enemy, as long as you hurt an innocent, as long as you dared t make another bleed, I came for you, and you never see it coming. Sometimes I went out on my own, down to the enemy camp, plotting it so they don’t see me coming, by the time I have left, maybe a brigadier or a colonel from the enemy camp would have been dead, in his bed.. by morning, they would retreat, because they didn’t know how it happened, how despite the tight securities they had a man or two down, important men, …it was risky not only for me because I could have been killed every single time I left, and risky for my camp because if I got caught, they could drill me for information to break us and kill us all. So..’’ he sighs ‘’ I need to be calmed down, so I was sent on a compulsory leave for a year, I get back after a year, and within that year I wouldn’t do anything I had options …police pushing papers not on the field, investigator or bodyguard. I picked bodyguard, when I got the call and sent to your father’s residence in Abuja and shown the scrawny kid I was supposed to shadow..i knew I was in for it’’

Sometimes I went out on my own, down to the enemy camp, plotting it so they don’t see me coming, by the time I have left, maybe a brigadier or a colonel from the enemy camp would have been dead, in his bed.. by morning, they would retreat, because they didn’t know how it happened, how despite the tight securities they had a man or two down, important men, …it was risky not only for me because I could have been killed every single time I left, and risky for my camp because if I got caught, they could drill me for information to break us and kill us all. So..’’ he sighs ‘’ I need to be calmed down, so I was sent on a compulsory leave for a year, I get back after a year, and within that year I wouldn’t do anything I had options …police pushing papers not on the field, investigator or bodyguard. I picked bodyguard, when I got the call and sent to your father’s residence in Abuja and shown the scrawny kid I was supposed to shadow..i knew I was in for it’’

Brian laughs ‘’ and you have been stuck to my hip since then, I know you hate me too’’

‘’Well, you were a dick’’
