Ricky: whoa whoa easy ladies what is it you want he said with a smirk.
Girl: well its simple we are scouting the entire school for all the guys.
Girl2: y’all have to be out there with us she said smiling.
Me: well i have to be excluded i dont do girls week i said standing to leave.
Girl1: the rule is simple you either participate or face the consequences she said smilling.
Me: did i just hear consequences??
Girl3: uh-huh and trust me your not gonna like that.
Ricky: already smiling at a blonde hair girl as damian talked to the other, shall we go now he asked.
Ladies: yeaah!
Girl1: you are coming too she said grabbing my arm as the other girl who stood next to me grabbed the other.
The ladies week is like a school tradition, every year, the girls in the school comes up with a game, using the boys. Well i really dont know why but it seem to be quite important to the school board. If there ever was a time when i wished i was in my room, today will be recorded, first i really dont fancy the idea of ladies week and 2ndly once you are in, its gonna be for the whole week.
Ricky: come on man! Lets get going already, its just a few show he said smiling.
Damian: a few interesting show he said grining. we all walked away.
Girl1: you see everyone thinks its interesting she said smiling.
Me: i hope so i said as we walked to the football peach being the largest in school. I few times i felt like running away, it might be fun but am really not the very social kind of person. Finally we got to the peach, it seem like the entire school was present. And i think i was begining to understand why that lady used the word scouting, it almost seem like no guy was left out.
A small cube paper box was past to every guy, with A,B,C AND D boldly written on it, which we all picked.
Me: ricky mine it a D what am i supposed to do with this? I asked a bit confused.
Ricky: relax we’ll all find out soon. Just then a ladies voice was heard in the public addressing system.
Girl: the show is about to get started hope you’ve all gotten your paper boxes??
Crowd: yeah!!!!!
Girl: Great, now if you’ve got A on your box you’ll have to remain in this peach, B is gonna be at the basket ball peach, C the golf peach, and D the hand ball peach.
Ricky: smiling broadly, i cant wait for the show to start he said
Me: abit irritated i really dont get it, whats so special about this anyway.
Ricky: looking at me like am crazy, if you are as lucky as me you gonna have to hang out with 6cute girls!!! He said excitedly.
Me: scoffed# is that suppose to make me happy?.
Ricky: lucas have you ever thought about being a pope since you’re still a virgin, am sure your gonna do just fine he said chuckling.
Me: shaking my head you are d–n crazy!
Ricky: i know he said putting a gum in his mouth, as he smiled.
Girl: alright guys its time to move to your positions she said as everyone moved out of the football peach leaving those in A behind. I had the chance of sneaking away but i didnt, ricky was so excited about this whole thing so i decided to wait and see how it goes, perhaps it might be fun i thought.
We got to the hand ball peach with numbers 1,2,3………attached boldly for everyone to see behind each seat. I was seated on number 23, in other to have a clear view.
Girl: now this is how the game is played, over there are 10mini pools, and a horizontal seat just a few inch above the water, a red huge circular botton on the top left. When hit accurately, the seat would be bent vertically causing the sitter to be immersed in the water. A guy choosed by the ladies will be sitted up there, while they try hitting the botton with the handball from the marked sport over there. And if any lady successfully hit the botton and the guy is immersed, he automatically becomes her date for 7days!
Crowd: cheering!!!
Me: huuuh!! And what if you dont want that i thought.
Girl: and you know the rules, there’s no getting out!! She said with a smile as everybody cheered.
To be continued