In today’s episode,
Martin enters to see veronica asleep and he kneels beside the bed and kisses her. He then states that, he doesn’t know how long it will take to win her love back but he swears to wait because he loves her very much as she does in her heart. Veronica wakes up to see martin sitting beside her bed and stirring at her and quickly she becomes angry and begins to pick an argument with him but martin stops her right there in a loving way by trying to give her a flower but she asks him to keep it to himself since she wants nothing from him but martin tells her that he is not hurt by that because he is going to offer it to the saint to pray for a good health for her health. He still insists on bringing it every morning until she accepts it one day.
Though Crescencio has disowned Manuel, but he still gets worried about him since he doesn’t want him to lose his way.
Martin tries to give veronica food but she pretends not to be hungry after martin tells her he was the cook for the meal but martin insists that she eats so she can take her medicine. He then decides to feed her but she again refuses and still says she won’t eat but martin convinces her and begins feeding her and martin asks her what she thinks about his cooking and veronica smiles to tell him that he puts too much salt and since he is not good in the kitchen, he can’t get married and they both laughed. Veronica then says she is satisfied and so martin decides to get honey so she can eat it with the fruit and whiles he left, veronica quickly takes the food and says that, indeed the food tastes nice but she won’t give martin the pleasure of becoming happy and before martin returned surprisingly, veronica had consumed the food. Martin then asks how she could eat the food just within seconds and she says to him that she just can’t watch the food to go waste.
Magdalene refuses to eat nothing and all she wishes is to die looking at the circumstances surrounding her but Botel being a good and great husband calms her down and pleads with her to learn to coup with the situation and t not to believe what clement said since they may be full of lies. But she refuses to listen to Botel concerning anything.
Emiliano excuses his parents to go to the office after having breakfast and Jorge becomes surprise when Virginia didn’t insists on going with Emiliano and she tells him that it is because she wants to give Emiliano the space he needs so he doesn’t feel pressured. Matilde asks Jorge if he’s heard anything about veronica because he is really worried about her and he tells her if he gets any information about veronica, he will tell her. As soon as Jorge left, Salma warns Matilde not to mention veronica’s name in the house ever again because it cause more harm to Emiliano and he doesn’t want that to happen and also now that he is going out with Virginia he doesn’t anyone to disturb them with veronica’s name therefore she should pretend to support her that veronica doesn’t exist anymore for Emiliano’s sake.
Matilde goes to see Emiliano quickly to warn him to be very careful about Virginia because she learnt from Salma that they are now dating but as she sees it, it is not love he feels for her rather he only needs a companion just to forget veronica and that might make him suffer a lot more than he already have therefore if he wants he can such a true and loving woman outside who will be ready to give up everything to for him just to see him happy. But for now all he needs is to be alone and put his life together and after a while he will find the right woman for his life. All this while Virginia hides somewhere to eavesdrops their conversation and one could tell how furious she looks towards Matilde. So seeing how the advice was going, she suddenly bumps in to distract them and Matilde had no choice than to leave them. After she left, Virginia thinks of a way to get rid of her so she doesn’t get to meddle in their affairs.
Veronica asks Daniel to Release her so she can go rest at Dussage’s hotel so after she can go to the city but Daniel tells her that he condition is severe that if she travels, she could end up dead since she has blood clot in her head. Veronica then begins crying and she tells Daniel that it is because she can’t stand martin being closer to her always. So Daniel advices her to reconsider and give martin another chance because looking at the way it worries her means that she still have love for him but she tells him that martin doesn’t deserve a second chance. He then gives her drugs and after veronica slept, Daniel decides to sedate veronica rather than killing her as Virginia suggested but whiles about to push it into the tube, Blanca arrives to distract him and he becomes nervous and the injection falls down and he becomes angry with her for not knocking.
Claudia becomes very angry and she confronts Dussage to ask him why he wants to win veronica’s love because he got angry when he realized she was still in love with martin and that made him break up with her and Dussage tells her that anything can happen so he’s waiting for them to break up. Claudia then tells Dussage that, even if the world is to come to an end, the love between veronica and martin will never be broken.
Virginia warns Matilde to stop sniffing into people’s business when it doesn’t concern her because he is forbidden her from giving stupid advice to Emiliano but she tells her that she is concern about Emiliano’s wellbeing as his nanny but Virginia tells her that she is only a maid and nothing else if not she is going to be sorry. Whiles they argue, Salma arrives to ask about the argument and after Virginia explains everything to her, Salma decides to tell Jorge to sack Matilde and Matilde tells her that if she is not happy with her services, she will tender her resignation letter and leave. After Matilde left, Virginia alerts Salma that, it is not right for her to sack Matilde because Emiliano will think worse of them and that won’t be to their good. So Salma and Virginia goes quickly to speak with Matilde that she changed her mind and has decided that she goes on vacation rather for three or four months and Matilde agrees.
Martin goes to make a deal with Dussage to give him a room closer to veronica’s own so he can give her everything she needs and also know everything that goes on around her when she comes to rest at the hotel and to pay for all the expenses.
Since Emiliano wants Virginia to change her looks to look pretty, Salma goes with her to shop all she can and to make her hair too to look prettier.

Since everything fails to work for Claudia in any relationship, she decides to go to mina Escondida to give Manuel a chance since he told her that he owns the mine, but unfortunately she coincides with Pablo who tells her that, Manuel now lives on the street since his grandfather has disown him and Claudia becomes disappointed.
Since Magdalene refuses to pick Aaron’s calls thinking it was clement disturbing her, he decides to reveal himself to her ones and for all and Magdalene comes out of her room only to meet Aaron standing at her door and thinking he is a ghost Magdalene collapses.
The school children pays veronica a visit and she grows so much happy and surprisingly it comes a surprise to veronica after Blanca tells veronica that it was veronica’s idea.
Stay tuned to tonight’s Episode of LO IMPERDONABLE (UNFORGIVABLE), at 8:00pm! Watch the Repeat every afternoon at 2:30 pm, and omnibus on every Sundays from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. UTV, it’s all about you!!!!