Best Way To Start Your Morning




God wants us to have joy in the midst of our ordinary, everyday life—even on the worst
days of our life.
  It took me a lot of years to figure this out, but I now know that the very best way to start my
day is by giving thanks to God for what He’s done for me, and asking Him how I can be a
blessing to other people. There were times in my life when I dreaded facing each day. All I could think about was my
circumstances—wondering how  I
was going to pay the bills or get everything done that I needed to do. Sometimes I wanted to pull the covers over my head and
just stay in bed.
  I was so wrapped up in worry that I was missing the point: God had created a new day, and He wanted me to enjoy it.

Achieving an A+ Attitude
  Every single day is filled with all kinds of situations that could upset you—things like
losing your car keys or getting caught in a traffic jam. But you can choose to be at peace
and in control. God doesn’t necessarily create difficult
situations for us, but He will use them to develop our character.When you and I take our minds off ourselves and our circumstances, and put our focus on God and loving others, we are embracing an attitude that will bring honor to Him.
  No matter what happens during our lifetime, we can be sure that God is working everything out for our good.

Setting Realistic Expectations
  Another thing I’ve learned is that you cannot count on someone else to make you happy. You
must take responsibility for your own happiness. There was a time when I would feel sorry for
myself if my Partner(Dave) went to play golf the day after
one of our big conferences. I wanted him to go shopping or watch a movie with me. But God
showed me that we have different ways of relaxing and unwinding.
By keeping our expectations of each other “real,” we can be free to do what we really
  Putting God and Others First
  When you feel discouraged about yourself or your circumstances, remember that God made you and loves you just the way you are. He is
leading you to where you’re supposed to be and He is going to be with you every step of
the way.
  I encourage you to spend time each morning focusing on the good things God has done in
your life. Think about the dangers and difficulties He’s brought you through, the ways He’s healed you and changed you, and how
good it is to know He cares for you and hears your prayers. When you learn to set your mind on God each morning, He’ll give you all the peace and joy you need to love others every single day of
your life.
  Have a fantastic day Pobstarians

Source:Joyce Meyer Org