The Missing Key Episode 11


“What do you expect me to do? Sit down here with you to train the children so that you can remind me of how my mates are working hard? Is this what I get for all my hard work in ensuring that this family is catered for? Can’t anyone in this house show appreciation?”

“Please tell me Mr. Manager, what is the need of working so hard for the family when you can’t be there for them!!.having the perfect family involves more than money. Money will not speak to the kids when they need someone to talk to and guide them!!”

“what exactly is your function as a mother? Do you realize that I have just spent not more than 3hrs from when I woke with the family and I have discovered a whole lot of things that you don’t know about the children?”

“Yes, therefore spend more time with the family, perhaps it will help curb down all these antisocial behavior in them. How can you use your work as an excuse not to be with your family? Do you realize that for a long time now, this is the longest conversation we have had even though it is full of arguments? You have succeeded in relegating me to the background with your fastidious attitude yet you blame me for everything.” Mum was still angry but her tone was lower.

“This is all your fault because you are their mother” Dad stormed out of the bedroom, into his study.

Mum watched him leave; she had already decided not to reply him again. If he had chosen to continue being stubborn and blaming her. She will continue being the part time mother she had always being just as long as her husband continues not to play his part as a father. She will not kill herself for anybody, not even her kids.

I was beginning to get hungry. I searched my room for the bread i left the previous day. I found it and ate it with butter since nobody wanted to cook anything.

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The house became as quiet as a grave yard. Dad was in his study, Mum was in their bedroom, Ada was in her bedroom, John was in his bedroom and I in mine. I was still trying to make sense of how the key got into my bag. Did I put it there myself or did somebody else put it to set me up?

I took my time to recollect the event that took place last night just before I went to bed. I was on the sitting room, on the dining table trying to do my homework. It was Sunday evening and I was fund of doing my assignment on the last hours of the weekend. It was a habit that I formed out of laziness and lack of discipline.

Ada was talking on her cell phone and Mum was in her room. It was almost 11pm and Dad was not yet back. Usually, he would call Mum when he was almost home to open the gate and exit door for him. Mum would either call John to help her open the door for dad or do it herself. Last night she opened the door herself.

After letting Dad in, Dad walked straight into the bedroom after just responding to our greeting with a soft inaffectionate mumble, while Mum locked the door and dropped the key on the dining table before retiring to their bedroom. Yes, I can remember being distracted by the sound of the bunch of key with 3 keys. One of the keys was for the exit door, the second key for the back door and the third; I didn’t really know what it opened.

After Mum retired, I picked up a little quarrel with Ada. I told her she was disturbing me with her calls and we started exchanging words that led her to hitting me. The whole event saddened me and I couldn’t wait to finish my homework and go to bed, I was also seriously feeling sleepy.

At the last stage of the assignment, I decided to put the bunch of key on the left page of my writing book because the wall fan was blowing towards my direction and the flipping of pages was slowing down my pace. By now I was feeling real sleepy. I can’t recall what happened next until I found myself in my room preparing to sleep. Perhaps I had, with sleepy eyes, covered the book leaving the key inside, dropped it in my school bag and brought it along with me to my room.

Now, how will I let them know that I had the key? Dad will definitely kill me. I felt real scared. I was the cause of the whole commotion at home this morning. If Dad loses his job, it will all be my fault. In fact everybody will blame me for everything. I will be hated.

Then I thought about the quarrel between Mum Dad and my siblings. Everybody was casting blame everyone else. Nobody wanted to take responsibility of their actions. The fact was that we all were victims of circumstance but we all had a role to play in it all. My carelessness and lack of discipline also played its own part in this whole family dispute.

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